Ch 13. Fight's And Confessions

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)

Number of Life strings currently in possession: 3


Izuku nervously stood at his side of the ring, Present Mic had just announced who was fighting and they were moments from the go ahead. In front of him was Shinsou, among all the people Izuku could have fought first it had to be his newish friend. He knew how important winning or at least getting to the finals was for Shinsou, but he couldn't just throw the match either.

Midnight had yet to actually declare the match to start, so Izuku decided to take a small risk.

"Shinsou, wanna fight Quirkless?" Izuku called across to the other, hoping they would agree so that there would even ground among them. Shinsou's eyes widened, before giving a smirk and nod.

"Alright, on the count of three!" Midnight started with a smirk." One. Two. Three!!"

Izuku ran forward, only managing to duck a swing from Shinsou at the last moment. The purple haired teen turned around, but not quick enough to avoid a punch from him. The two traded and dodged blows for up to ten minutes, before Izuku finally managed to throw Shinsou out of the ring.

The purple haired teen groaned in pain, clearly not having prepared to be slammed into the ground so hard. They got to their feet, a mildly disappointed expression on their face. Izuku walked over to them and held his hand out, giving them a small smile.

"If anything, I think it was good that we didn't use our Quirks." Izuku commented." It shows we are more versatile and can work in situations that don't require said Quirk."

"True, still it's disappointing not getting pass the first rounds." Shinsou admitted with a sigh, a frown on their face." At least you get to move forward, you better win alright? I refuse to have lost to someone who wouldn't go to win the entire event, got it?"

"You got it, Shinsou-kun!" Izuku exclaimed as they both left the ring to see Recovery Girl, even though Izuku didn't really need too yet.

The matches continued as normal, the winners being Kacchan, Todoroki, Iida, Shiozaki, Ashido, and Tokoyami. There would have been another winner of the first round, but unfortunately Kirishima and Tetsutetsu tied their round. So there was a rematch, which Kirishima won thankfully.

The next round was just about to begin, unfortunately he was against Todoroki. The duel Quirked teen was often cold and dismissive as well as having devastating power behind their Quirks. Izuku knew how to fight against his ice, but he hadn't figured out what to do about the fire since Todoroki hadn't ever actually used it before.

"Sasaki, may I have a small word with you before you before we begin fighting?" Todoroki's voice broke Izuku out of his thoughts.

'I don't like this.' En muttered, sounding almost wary.' The Todoroki fella seems suspicious.'

'Oh my god, since when could talk into my head?!' Izuku exclaimed, his heart having leapt into his throat at the sound of the Sixth user.

'Huh, I honestly don't know.' En admitted with a frown.' This is new territory, Yoichi and Hikage knew the most about the Quirk...'

'I can't hear anyone else, only you.' Izuku said, before turning his attention back to Todoroki once they had gotten somewhere private.

"Sasaki, I need to tell you something." Todoroki began, looking visibly distressed." I've done a lot of thinking and since your so close with All Might and Sir Nighteye, I decided you could help with something."

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