Ch 4. A Cloud, A Mic, And An Eraser Walk Into A Bar

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


A month later found Izuku with his face in the dirt, he was currently trying to drag a fridge across the beach. He had been tasked with cleaning the beach in order to gain muscle mass, but Toshinori had a habit of interfering. The Hero was sitting in his buff form on top of the very fridge Izuku was attempting to pull, making him glare back at his mentor.

"Seriously?!" Izuku asked looking annoyed." How am I suppose to get anything done when your heavy body is sitting on the very thing I am trying to move?"

Toshinori let out a laugh, amusement alight his eyes.

"Ah, Young Sasaki, I am not that heavy you know." Toshinori teased lightheartedly, and Izuku glared calling bs.

"Liar, you've been gain your weight and muscle mass back recently." Izuku complained with a pout." Remind me why I healed you again?"

"Because you a true Hero, my boy." Toshinori said with a hint of pride, making Izuku blush from embarrassment.

With a sigh, Izuku began pulling the fridge again. He was sore and it had been a long day already, he just hoped he would be ready for the UA exams.

Suddenly Izuku's phone went off, making him pause again. Taking out of his pocket he looked at the number, noting it was his Uncle. Izuku glanced towards Toshinori who nodded allowing him to answer.

"Hey, Uncle Yoichi." Izuku greeted once he answered the phone." Is everything ok, you don't normally call me while I'm training."

"I am fine, Izu-kun." Yoichi responded sounding worried about something." Izuku, have you used your Quirk recently?"

"Um, no...I haven't, why?" Izuku asked giving Toshinori a worried look, the Hero had hopped down from the fridge and was now standing beside him.

"You might want to come home, there is something you need to see." Yoichi said and Izuku felt his stomach drop. Had he done something without realizing it, or perhaps his Quirk had mutated for some odd reason?

"Alright, I'm on my way." Izuku responded before hanging up and turning to his mentor." Hey Yagi-san, um...something came up. Uncle Yoichi seemed pretty distressed, could we end today a little early?"

"Of course, Young Midoriya." Toshinori replied with a concerned expression." Did he mention anything that could explain his distress?"

Izuku frowned slightly, but knew he should mention the whole question about him using his powers. He had barely used his powers, in fact he only did it three times in his entire life. It was completely possible there were aspects of his abilities that he didn't know, but with how deadly his Quirk was, he couldn't just test it out.

"Yoichi asked me if...I used my powers lately." Izuku admitted in confusion." I haven't though, regardless of whether I would want to or not. I haven't had time nor been in a scenario which would force me to use it."

Toshinori frowned at that, clearly just as confused as Izuku felt.

"Well, I am sure it's nothing, my boy." Toshinori reassured, but for some reason Izuku couldn't explain, it didn't help.

"Perhaps." Izuku replied softly, but he was convinced something was wrong.


When Izuku arrived at his house, he immediately took note of Tsukauchi's car. There was another care there as well, a completely unfamiliar one. The new car was black with a cat sticker on it, standing next to the car were two men.

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