Ch 15. Bad Arguments

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Number Of Life Strings: 3


"Here, the gloves I promised." Izuku said handing his older brother a pair of gloves, which they took carefully. He watched as they put them on, before hesitating slightly before touching the table in front of them.

The table didn't crumble to dust and Tenko let out a breath of relief, before turning to him and immediately hugging him tightly. Izuku suspected they were touch-starved a little, due to their Quirk. Yoichi who was sitting next to him on the couch just smiled slightly, clearly pleased how the gloves had worked.

Izuku just allowed his older brother to hug him for a bit longer, before playfully shoving them off. Tenko shot him a mild glare, but the small smile on their face indicated they were terribly upset. For a bit he and Tenko just pushed each other playfully, before he turned to his Uncle with a grin.

"Uncle Yoichi, can I go properly introduce Tenko to the class?" Izuku asked hopefully, earning a nod and smile from Yoichi. He stood and Tenko followed, before his older brother hesitated for a brief moment...then walked over to Yoichi and hugged them tightly.

Yoichi's eyes widened slightly, but they just smiled and hugged their eldest Nephew with a small smile on their face. Izuku grinned happily, glad his Uncle was giving Tenko a chance to prove themselves. He knew it must be hard on them, considering how badly All For One hurt them when they were still alive originally.

Izuku waited until the hug ended, before grabbing his brother arm and practically dragging them out of the room towards class-1A.

Tenko had been given a pardon by the Commission, on the grounds that they doesn't leave UA property until deemed safe. However the staff decided Izuku would be the main watcher over over them, which Izuku happily agreed too.

The arrived at the doors to the classroom, but Tenko hesitated. Their red eyes showing apprehension and worry, clearly they were nervous of how they would be perceived. It wasn't surprising, the last time Tenko had met his class was when they were trying to kill them.

"We don't have to do this, if you aren't comfortable with it." Izuku said, giving his older brother a worried look.

"No, this needs to happen or it just won't happen." Tenko replied with a shake of his head and Izuku nodded, before pushing the door open and walking into the room with Tenko right behind him.

Almost immediately, the class leapt to their feet Quirks activating and fear showing clearly on their expressions. Izuku winced slightly, but stepped in front of his brother protectively and waited for Aizawa to tell everyone to calm down.

"Silence!" Aizawa shouted and everyone froze, turning to their teacher in confusion." Mr. Shigaraki isn't hear as a threat."

"Um, it's actually Tenko Shimura..." Tenko corrected, earning a look from the teacher.

Aizawa explained the Commission's decision, before turning to Izuku and ordering him to sit down. Tenko took an empty seat at the edge of the class for most of the lesson, although Aizawa surprisingly asked him a few questions on battle techniques. Izuku had smiled when his brother answered each of the questions without a single complaint.

When class came to a close, Izuku smiled as he watched Tenko chat nervously with Ochaco who asked him about the gloves. It was nice seeing his friends giving his brother a chance, otherwise being friends with them would have become pretty awkward. Kacchan however was extraordinarily hostile towards Tenko, but then again that wasn't a surprise at all.

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