Ch 14. Tenko Shimura Returns

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When Izuku had found out that Tomura had appeared at the gates of UA half-dead and bleeding out, he was conflicted. He loved Tomura, when he had lived with his biological father Tomura was the best big brother he could ask for. However he didn't know if that was still a thing, he had for lack of a better term betrayed Tomura in their eyes.

He walked slowly towards the hospital wing, apprehension growing with each step he took to get closer to his destination. Soon the doors of the Hospital were in view and he stopped in front of them, before taking a deep breath and pushing them open.

He immediately zeroed in on the bed his older brother was laying in, they were awake but clearly not having a good time. There were Quirk suppressing cuffs on their wrists, as well as normal cuffs locking them to the bed so they could move. He swallowed and walked over, noting the confused and conflicted look they had.

"Tomura-nii?" Izuku spoke, making Tomura turn to look at him.

"Ah, Izuku..." Tomura mumbled, trailing off and Izuku wondered what his older brother was thinking about, it must be pretty thought provoking if they were this conflicted.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, a little ways away from Tomura for obvious safety reasons. He gave them a look and noted how hurt they appeared to have been before Nedzu had sent someone to get them.

"Why'd you come to UA?" Izuku asked softly." You hate Heroes and you knew you would likely get arrested, so why?"

"I asked da-All For One what his plan was to get you back,  he said there wasn't a plan and he didn't want to get you back." Tomura spat out, anger coating their words." Your my little brother and I just want you safe, so I got mad and shouted at them....they didn't like that and tried to kill me."

Izuku felt horror pool in his gut, hearing what his older brother had to say.

"How did you escape?" Izuku asked softly and Tomura gave a sad chuckle." You were half way to death when Nedzu managed to get Recovery Girl, but how did you get away?"

"Sheer will I assume." Tomura admitted with a shrug." All For One underestimated one thing, I hold family over everything else....even my own loyalty. He was planning something I didn't like and it had to do with you, I couldn't let it continue....I just wanted keep you safe...."

Izuku sat there, thinking over his brothers words and knowing that they weren't fake. Ever since accidentally kill their whole previous family, Tomura was very protective of their family and refused to go against them. However he hadn't known that Tomura was more protective of him then All For One, it was a welcoming surprise.

"I am sure UA could convince the Commission to let you stay here if your willing to give information." Izuku suggested softly, earning a mildly surprised look from his brother.

"But won't my Quirk issue?" Tomura asked with a frown." I can't turn it off, it's always active and that might get someone hurt."

"There are gloves designed to be used by people with a five-point activation Quirks." Izuku suggested with a grin." My friend Ochaco has some, I am sure she would be more then willing to lend me some for you to wear."

Tomura have him a hesitant look, like they wanted to agree but didn't want to appear like they needed help. Though at this point it was not really possible to not appear like they needed help.

"I guess that's fine." Tomura muttered and gave a small shrug." I am sorry for attacking you, especially at the USJ. I wasn't expecting you to be there, let alone to be against me. I got angry, I just wish things had turned out differently."

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