Ch 6. Big News And New Friends

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Izuku stared at Yoichi carefully, he wasn't sure what the former user of his Quirk knew, but it was enough to make his Uncle nervous. That worried Izuku, was whatever this was bad or dangerous? Surely Yoichi would have told him if it was, right?

"Uncle, you know something." Izuku stated, making Toshinori and Recovery Girl turn to his white haired relative questioningly.

Yoichi looked nervous, like he was unsure of how to bring up a subject. Eventually the man just sighed, admitting defeat.

"One For All doesn't just store the power it builds up with each user." Yoichi explained slowly." It also stores the Quirks and souls of users when they die."

Izuku's widened in complete shock at the words spoken, he had six people living in his Quirk? Were they just chilling, were they dormant, could they see every single thing he did on a daily basis? None of this made any sense, why hadn't he been able to detect them while One For All was with Toshinori, why only now of all times?

"How?" Izuku asked sounding breathless, Yoichi sighed as if he was fighting himself in order to continue explaining.

"When I died after giving Second my Quirk, I had appeared in a void like space." Yoichi said eventually." At first I was scared and didn't know what was happening, then Second died and we put the pieces together. After a few experiments we managed to gain the ability to watch the outside world through the current users eyes. Third died shortly after this discovery, which meant the first user we actually learned anything about while in the void was Fourth."

Izuku listened intently, committing as much of the information to memory as he could, for he didn't know when he would need it in the future. That was if he needed it at all, but anything was useful sometimes.

"When Fourth died we decided that it was best if we used our numbers rather then names, it seemed pointless keep a name when we wouldn't be able to be seen ever again." Yoichi admitted with a humorless chuckle." Or so we thought, then you came along. I was talking with Second and Third one moment, then I was on the ground the next. It was quite jarring, but I suppose that was to be expected considering the circumstances."

"Were you close to the others?" Izuku asked softly and Yoichi flinched, which was more then enough information for Izuku to make an educated guess.

"Second, Third, and I were in a relationship." Yoichi admitted softly and Izuku gasped, staring at his Uncle. Had he torn his Uncle away from the ones he loved, that thought made Izuku feel guilty.

"What about the others?" Izuku asked carefully, earning a small smile from Yoichi.

"Fourth was like a best friend, no, more like a brother." Yoichi said with a nostalgic look on his face." Fifth was like a son to me, in fact Fifth and Seventh were like my own children. I loved them so much, as for Sixth, he my grandson. In fact Sixth was Fifths adopted son when he was given One For All, it hadn't even been meant for him. However Fifth was forced to pass it on or lose it forever, Sixth was the only one close enough."

Izuku's face fell at that, but then he smiled softly. He now had three Cousins, another Uncle, and two Uncle-in-laws? The thought warmed Izuku's heart, his family just kept growing and he vowed that if he was ever forced to take a life with his Quirk again...he would assure it was one of the other users.

"Thank you for telling me, Uncle Yoichi." Izuku said honestly, bringing his Uncle in for a tight hug." I am sorry I took you away."

"Oh, my wonderful, kind, brave Nephew." Yoichi murmured into Izuku's hair." I would have never given up the opportunity to meet you, even if it hurts knowing I can't see the others anymore."

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