Ch 16. Family Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Number Of Life-Strings: 2/3


Izuku just sat in front of Tsukauchi, who had been called in to talk with Banjo and get the full story of what had happened. Yoichi had been in tears for at least an hour before calming down, clearly having missed Banjo quite a bit. He felt guilty though for doing it in order to manipulate a situation to his favor, something Hikage had pointed out.

"We have got to stop meeting like this, Sasaki." Tsukauchi said and Izuku chuckled nervously, there wasn't any law against bringing people back to life...although Tsukauchi still had to make sure things were as they appeared to be.

"Sorry, I wasn't in the right mental space when using my Quirk." Izuku admitted softly, staring down at his hands." I just didn't want Tenko to be forced to be treated like a monster, not when they had been manipulated into doing things...."

Tsukauchi sighed, rubbing their face with their hands and giving him a serious expression.

"As much as you might not like the situation, Shimura is a Villain." Tsukauchi stated firmly." That means, he needs to be treated with extreme caution, regardless of whether we even believe that he will do anything or not."

"I...I know, I am sorry..." Izuku mumbled under his breath, looking downwards in shame.

"He's already in a Villain Reforming program, these things and processes aren't done overnight, Sasaki." Tsukauchi added, making him nod in return." Just keep your head up, kid...your not in trouble for using your Quirk, this time at least. As long as it was only the giving life aspect of it, you have only two life strings left?"

Izuku nodded and the Detective smiled softly.

"Then it's fine, just don't make it a habit." Tsukauchi said, before clapping his hands." Now I need to go speak with your dad, before I get back to the station."

"Bye, Tsukauchi...." Izuku said and watched the man leave the room and he looked down towards his hands, remembering Hikage's words earlier.

He had manipulated his own dad, with the intent to force them to follow what he thought was right. That was something his biological father would have done, what he knew they had done in the past and yet...the worst part was he didn't truly understand what was wrong with it.

Even after Hikage explained it, he didn't see anything wrong with it.

The only reason he was even aware that he'd done something wrong was everyone's reaction to what he did, they had reacted badly. He hoped he wasn't starting to become more apathetic about everything. He knew how dangerous that could be, but he would just look to others for the right behaviours when necessary as a fail safe.

"You ok, kid?" A voice inturrupted his dark thoughts and he turned to face Banjo, the user he had revived and his honorary Cousin.

"Oh, hey Banjo." Izuku greeted and blinked when the man snorted.

"Call me Daigorou, we're family after all." Ban-Daigorou said, with a grin and Izuku smiled back softly." You seemed in pretty deep thought, is something wrong?"

Izuku just shrugged, not really knowing how to bring up his concerns.

"Just feeling worried about how the lines of right and wrong seem so blurry recently, I keep doing things I wouldn't have dreamed before UA." Izuku explained, biting his lip nervously as he looked up towards the pale blue eyes of Daigorou.

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