Ch 9. USJ Part 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)

Shorter chapter this time!

SPOILER Explanation of Events in Chapter at the End!


Izuku looked at the attack as it aimed towards Shouta, it felt like it was moving in slow motion. A moment later, his teacher had been swatted into the concrete wall of the USJ and something inside Izuku snapped.

Rage filled him inside and out, One For All's green energy began to cover him entirely and soon lightning covered his body. Izuku stretched his hand out, black tendrils of energy springing out and lunging towards Tomura.

The gasps of the class didn't do anything to snap Izuku out of his trance as he lunged towards his brother, powering One For All into his arm and punching Tomura. The punch making his brother fly several meters back before he landed, a crack in the concrete ground.

"How dare you attack my friends and teachers." Izuku growled, his vision going red." I have had enough of my father's influence, leave before I do something I regret."

Tomura grunted as he pulled himself up from the ground, staring at Izuku with an annoyed expression.

"What are you going to do, you could harm me if you tried." Tomura taunted, with a smirk on his face." You hate your Quirk and I doubt that changed in the last year!"

Izuku didn't say a word, only raised a hand and snapped his fingers. Twenty-five of the lesser Villains dropped down onto the ground, like puppets with their strings cut. The look on Tomura's face showed true fear, his brother began looking pale as realization set in that Izuku wasn't messing around.

"Great, so you choose now to grow a back bone." Tomura growled out, turning to the Nomu who had attacked Shouta." I can't risk the damn Nomu, not when it is the only thing currently capable of killing All Might."

Izuku raised his hand again, hovering in a finger-snapping position.

"Fine, you stupid Hero brat." Tomura snarled before glancing at the lesser Villains." The plan failed, lets go...we can beat this level another time. When my brother won't be in the way of the mission."

One of the Villains sent a area of effect Quirk, making the rest of the Villains disappear. Likely a banishing Quirk of some kind, one that allowed the user to decided where to banish something. Izuku didn't stop his stance, not until he saw every single Villain and the Nomu disappear.

Once everything was back to normal, the first thing Izuku did was fall to his knees. He had never used his Quirk before to that scale, he had been bluffing when he had raised his hand a second time. He could have killed them, but it would have likely killed himself in the process.

"Izuku!" Ochaco cried out, rushing over to his side. Izuku gave his friend a small smile, but exhaustion was already making his vision blur.

He had just finished recovering from Quirk exhaustion and then not even a day after he gets it once more. Just what was his luck? What were the chances of something like this happening right after his last Villain attack, but that wasn't even the most concerning fact about this whole thing.

All For One knew where he was and now the everything that had happened was for nothing, he didn't even know if Mirai and Toshinori could keep him safe if his biological father actually tried to get him back. He had thought changing his appearance to look more like Yoichi and Mirai would be enough, but Tomura had recognized him immediately.

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