Ch 17. Choosing A Hero To Intern With

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Number of Life Strings: 2/3


When Izuku woke up he felt lighter then he had in a long time, his worries about turning into a version of his biological father not seeming nearly as suffocating. He smiled softly remembering the talk he had with Daigorou, perhaps it was a good thing he had brought the man back to life.

He made his way out of his room, realizing that he must have been moved to his bed some point after falling asleep.

Almost immediately he spotted his Uncle and Mirai talking to each other and he ran up to his Dad throwing his arms around them in a tight hug. He felt guilty for what he'd done and he knew it wasn't fair on them, he shouldn't have tried to manipulate the situation like he had and he hoped they would forgive him for it.

"I'm sorry, Dad!" Izuku cried out and he felt arms wrap around him.

"Hey, it's ok and I understand that you were just trying to protect your big brother." Mirai whispered as they rubbed his back soothingly." I can't blame you for trying to protect your family, I shouldn't have gotten as frustrated as I I am sorry for pushing you to that."

Izuku pulled back out of the hug and turned to his Uncle, giving them a considering expression. He then tackled them to the ground in a hug, earning a huff of amusement from them.

Yoichi just gave a small chuckle, hugging him back.

"Alright, your too heavy for tackle hugs, Izuku." Yoichi said their eyes alight with mirth, but Izuku just ignored his Uncle.

Eventually he stopped hugging his Uncle, his stomach having growled hungrily. It had been a while since he'd eaten, at least good several hours. He smiled sheepishly as the his Uncle and Mirai laughed, clearly amused.

"Why don't we get you some food?" Mirai suggested and Izuku nodded, relieved that his relationship with his Dad wasn't too strained.

"Ok Dad, again I am sorry." Izuku said again, earning a small sigh from Mirai.

As the morning went by, he enjoyed breakfast with Mirai and Yoichi. Not to long into the breakfast Tenko, Hikage, and Daigorou joined in, it was nice having such a large breakfast with all his currently alive family.

Tenko seemed pretty chill, despite being forced into house arrest for the time being and Izuku felt another pang of guilt over what he almost managed to do. He just turned and stared down at his hands, his appetite having suddenly gone down the drain. A hand rested on his and he looked up, to see his Uncle giving him a concerned expression.

"You alright?" Yoichi asked gently.

"I just don't feel hungry all of a sudden, sorry." Izuku replied turning away from his Uncle, who was clearly worried about him.

He stood up and left the room, heading towards his bedroom and curling up on his bed.


Izuku looked at the list of Heroes that he was given for internships, wondering if what he should go for. None of them had Quirk's that would allow him to train One For All accurately and he couldn't choose family members for Internships. A glance to Kacchan who was next to him, showed that they had chosen Best Jeanist and he thought for a moment.

He had also been offered a internship with Best Jeanist and he wanted to repair his friendship with Kacchan, so perhaps he could go with them.

So he checked Best Jeanist off, pausing for a moment and then adding his reasoning why below. Stating he wanted to repair his friendship with Kacchan, as well as the fact he wasn't really able to find anyone else that he was interested in and he most certainly had looked thoroughly

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