Ch 10. Aftermath

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything(Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)

Current Amount Of Stored Life-Strings: 3 (Not all of the lives he ended got stored inside his Quirk(he ended 25 lives with his Quirk))


"Do you have any idea of the situation you put yourself in?" Tsukauchi demanded, giving Izuku a hard look." I might not be able to defend you on killed twenty five people, willingly! Have you any idea how much trouble your in?"

It was only hours after the events of the USJ, sitting next to Tsukauchi was Mirai and Toshinori. Each of them not revealing how they felt, their faces were carefully blank as they stayed out of the conversation for the time being. He knew they weren't happy though, it was a sixth sense he'd gotten from being around them so much.

Izuku had willingly and with full intention killed twenty five people, when it hadn't been immediately necessary. He knew there would be consequences, but at the time he had been willing to pay the price. After all, he had prevented the deaths of the entire class, as well as Shouta.

He regretted nothing.

That was exactly the problem, he felt nothing at those deaths. They had simply been a means to an end, what did that say about him. Only a bit ago he had been distraught over killing Muscular, now he didn't blink at the fact he killed a whole group of people. It was unnerving, he didn't know if he liked the cold detachment that had entered his mind.

It was like a switch had been activated since the USJ, one Izuku didn't know how to turn back off. Like his emotions could be turned off with no more difficulty then a lamp, which was a dangerous mindset.

"I...I think something wrong with me." Izuku admitted with extreme difficulty, it was hard asking for help. He was so used to not being able to ask for it, he'd only been with Mirai for a year. His issues ran deeper and far longer then that, they weren't easily shaken off.

Tsukauchi blinked at the unexpected words, clearly not having thought he would ask for help of all things. Yet the Detective gave Izuku a small nod, urging him to explain what he meant. With a deep breath, Izuku spilled what happened to his mental state.

"When Aizawa-sensei was thrown into the wall, I snapped." Izuku admitted with a wince." It was like a switch I didn't know was there was turned on, leaving my mind cold and emotionless. Perhaps it's a side effect of my Quirk that I didn't know, either way it was unsettling how much killing didn't mean anything to me. Like it was simply a means to an end, the issue is...I am still in that mindset and don't know how to turn it back off."

A silence spread from the small group, as the weight of what he had said sunk into the minds of all present. All three men gave each other grim expressions, not particularly surprising considering the situation.

" Yoichi and Hikage." Tsukauchi ordered with a sigh." We perhaps they will have idea's of how to deal with this situation, for now...I will attempt to keep the commission from doing something stupid."

With that said, the Detective left the room. Leaving Toshinori and Mirai alone with him, much to his dismay. He didn't want the disappointed looks, it wouldn't do anything for him in this situation.

To his surprise though, Toshinori didn't say a word and just got up to leave. Mirai's gaze following his friend as the door closed behind them, before they turned back to Izuku.

"I don't know how I'm getting you out of this situation." Mirai admitted with a sigh." This is likely the worst thing you could have done during the USJ, the commission doesn't allow Heroes to kill unless very specific circumstances are met."

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