Ch 2. Interrogation

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Izuku sat awkwardly in front of Toshinori and Tsukauchi, Yoichi sitting next to him.

Apparently when he had told Toshinori he had brought someone back to life, the man had immediately brought in a detective. Which was an odd response, but it could be due to the fact that a supposedly dead man, knew who Toshinori was.

He still thought calling the police on a clearly traumatized man was stupid, in fact his Uncle looked moments away from a panic attack.

"Toshinori-san!" Izuku exclaimed, giving his new mentor a look." Yoichi-san is clearly upset, couldn't you just be a little easier on him? Detective Tsukauchi has a lie detecting Quirk, which means it isn't necessary to be harsh on him. Just ask a few questions that require specific responses."

Toshinori gave him a guilty look, before sighing. Tsukauchi and his mentor gave each other a look, before returning to the conversation.

"Alright, I apologize for the aggressiveness." Tsukauchi stated." Just try to realize you knowing anything about One For All seems highly suspicious."

Yoichi gave a weak smile, his eyes kept shifting to the exit of the room, they weren't in the police station. Mainly due to the fact that they couldn't have the conversation be overheard by anyone, still Izuku had a theory that his Uncle wasn't a fan of closed off places.

"It's quite alright, I just get panicked when I am in places that have to escape routes." Yoichi admitted wincing slightly." It comes with the territory of spending half a decade in a bank vault, due to your older brothers insanity."

Izuku blinked, not having expected that. He looked over to his Uncle, trying to figure out whether that was a joke or not. The dead serious expression on Yoichi's face painted a horrifying story however, which made Izuku's skin crawl. His dad did that to his Uncle, he never even tried that with him. Would he have though, if he had told him about All Might?

He felt sick to his stomach and clearly Toshinori had noticed, the blonde haired man giving him a concerned look.

"Are you alright, Young Midoriya?" Toshinori asked, making Tsukauchi and Yoichi look over at him as well. The former frowning, while the later giving him a sympathetic look.

"I...I'm alright." Izuku stammered out." Just horrified Da- I mean someone would do that to their family, it just doesn't...I'm sorry."

Toshinori and Tsukauchi gave him a suspicious look, clearly catching that he was about to say something else. Yoichi realizing this thankfully spoke up before they could question the mistake to much.

"I'll be fine, it was a long time ago that it happened." Yoichi reassured the Detective and Hero, bringing the attention back to him. Izuku gave his Uncle a relieved and grateful smile, earning a small one in return.

"Alright then, first off, how do you know about One For All?" Tsukauchi asked, paying close attention to Yoichi's facial features. One couldn't be to careful, even if they have a lie detecting Quirk.

"Why, because I am the First, of course." Yoichi chirped, mischief dancing in his green eyes at the confused looks on Toshinori and Tsukauchi. Izuku however got what he meant, Yoichi was the First One For All user.

"The First?" Toshinori questioned, frowning at the response that to him didn't make much sense overall." The First what?"

"User." Yoichi said simply, leaning back in his chair. Izuku had a suspicion that despite his Uncle being uncomfortable, he was still enjoying the chaos he was creating.

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