Ch 3. Sir Nighteye

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)

Note that I completely BSing through police investigation facts...I have no idea what I'm doing....


Izuku woke the next day full of anxiety, he was about to continue a conversation that would include his knowledge of his Father. It wasn't something he wanted to talk about, but he knew he couldn't avoid it forever.

"Izu-kun, you ready to continue our previous conversation?" Yoichi asked opening his door slightly.

Izuku had to admit hearing his Uncle call him by that name was nice, the last person he allowed to call him that was his Mom. He gave his Uncle a smile and nod, determined to see this through.

"Yes, Uncle Yoichi." Izuku responded softly, getting his notebook for comfort reasons and following Yoichi out into the living room.

Toshinori and Tsukauchi were chatting as they entered, though the conversation trailed off when they noticed Izuku and Yoichi.

"Ah, Young Midoriya!" Toshinori greeted with a warm smile." How was your sleep?"

"It was fine, thank you Yagi-san." Izuku replied, giving a nervous smile to the Hero. He hoped that the rest of the questions would be quick.

"Wonderful, if you wouldn't mind Midoriya-san, could you explain your home situation so we can figure out a way to safely remove you from your house permanently?" Tsukauchi asked gently, looking sympathetic.

"I can try, but you won't find any abuse or neglect." Izuku said with a sigh." He doesn't hurt me, physically or emotionally. If I didn't know he was a Supervillain, I would have just assumed he was a regular Dad. He never did anything that would indicate otherwise, except when Kurogiri came over. Kurogiri tends to run things when Dad isn't able to, I think Dad does love me....he just doesn't love me enough to stop doing what he does for a living."

At this point Izuku was choking back tears, he had held onto everything he knew his Father did for so long. It felt like a weight was off his shoulders when he explained his living condition, which by all means was normal except for the Supervillain part. He still was unclear on why his Father had such a burning hatred for All Might, it wasn't the type of hatred normal Villains or even Supervillains had for the Hero.

"Normally that would make things harder for us to get you out of the home." Tsukauchi admitted." However due to your Father being a SS+ Rank Supervillain, we can put you under the emergency Foster Program all Heroes have a right to activate. The only issue becomes finding a Hero unrelated to the case to take you in, Toshinori is directly involved in this case and as such cannot legally Foster you permanently."

"Thankfully, a friend of mine offered when I spoke to them about it." Toshinori said with a smirk." He's waiting outside actually, he's also hear to speak with Yoichi as he's the one who's last name Yoichi will be taking."

As if that was the cue, the door opened revealing a tall man with hair of the same shade of green as Izuku. The hair was peppered with blonde streaks, which looked to be natural. His eyes were piercing gold, with a pair of glasses sitting on his nose. He wore a grey suit, with what looked to be an All Might tie.

"Your Sir Nighteye!" Izuku exclaimed in shock, his internal fan-boy nearly bursting out at the seams. This was on of his top five favorite Hero's, he was also Toshinori's sidekick for a time.

"You must be Izuku Midoriya, Toshinori told me about you last night." Nighteye greeted him, a serious expression on his face. Izuku nodded nearly falling forward in an attempt to get a closer look at the green haired Hero.

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