Ch 11. Doubts

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)

Picture has no relation to story, it's just cute...

Number of Life String's Izuku is currently in possession of: 3


Due to the threat of All For One, Izuku was forced to move onto UA grounds. He didn't move alone however. Mirai, Yoichi, and Hikage came along as well, likely for Izuku's benefit.

To say Izuku was afraid of himself was a slight understatement, it wasn't so much himself that he was afraid of...more so his ability to effectively shut his emotions down. Emotions that made him human, emotions that told him right from wrong.

Yoichi had said that it was easy for one to gain some semblance of control over the switch, but Izuku didn't even want to practice. What if he did it and he could shut it off, or he did it and he didn't want to shut it off? These were his fears, it would be so easy to live without all those emotions weighing him down.

It was so tempting, scarily so.

Izuku shivered slightly, trying to push his dark thoughts away. He had been question over the past week about what had happened at the USJ, eventually it was ruled by the Hero Commission that he could continue his time at UA without repercussions. However as always there were a few things he had to do in order to be allowed to continue training to be a Hero. One of which was to be the Commission on call informant on anything to do with All For One.

Which effectively meant he was being given a free pass from the government. Not only that, he had been given a temporary Provisional License. His partner from the Hero Commission was Hawks, the number three Hero who was told to be his messenger and contact from the Commission.

"Little Otter?" Hikage voice broke Izuku from his thoughts, making him turn towards the door where the Fourth One For All user was standing.

"Sorry, Hikage..." Izuku apologized with a small smile." I just have a lot on my mind right now, mainly with what has happened over the last week."

"That's understandable." Hikage murmured, before going over and sitting next to Izuku.

"Do you's inevitable that I turn out biological father?" Izuku asked after a minute or two of silence. Hikage turned to face him with a surprised, yet gentle look.

"No, I don't think it is." Hikage said with confidence, surprising Izuku." Your nothing like All For One, your brave, kind, and put others before yourself."

Izuku felt a few tears fall down his cheek at the words, he hadn't even known he had needed them. He launched himself to Hikage, wrapping the older man up in a hug and let himself cry more freely. It was the one thing he inherited from his mom that he wasn't keen on, he always cried.

Hikage was patient and let him cling to them, even though the man wasn't his biological Uncle he was practically his real Uncle's brother at this point. That made them his Uncle too, as well as the Second and Third users. He hadn't expected to gain an entire family after only knowing Yoichi for a year, funny how these things worked out.

Eventually he pulled away from Hikage, giving the Fourth user a sheepish look.

"Sorry for the surprise hug, I was just overwhelmed." Izuku muttered rubbing the back of his head anxiously." Sorry if it made you uncomfortable."

"It didn't, I was more then happy to help you, Little Otter." Hikage said with a small smile.


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