Ch 5. UA Exams

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It had been nine months since meeting All Might or Toshinori and eight since he met Shouta and Hizashi. His physical training was going well, despite his mentor's habit of making it challenging by sitting on what he was pulling.

When he wasn't building muscle with Toshinori, he was training with Shouta who had offered after he learned he was training for UA. He also had analysis lessons with Mirai and music lessons with Hizashi when he had free time. Izuku even convinced Yoichi to teach him about history, because a lot was taken out of the history books.

Over all it had been an eventful and extremely busy last few months and it was all coming to head, he was about to receive One For All.

Toshinori was standing in front of him in his buff form, standing like a tower. Izuku was so nervous he thought he would combust, but he thankfully didn't. He watched as his mentor plucked a hair from his head and hand it to him.

"Eat this." Toshinori ordered and Izuku blanked, his mind coming to halting stop. Did his mentor just say to eat his hair? Surely he heard wrong, right?

"Um, excuse me...what?!" Izuku exclaimed looking at the hair in disbelief. Was he seriously supposed to gain a Quirk by eating a hair, was this supposed to be a joke?

"You need to consume my DNA in order to inherit my Quirk." Toshinori explained and Izuku just sighed in disbelief, nearly facepalming at his mentor.

"You do realize most of the hair doesn't contain DNA, right?" Izuku asked looking hesitantly at the hair." It's only the root that does."

Toshinori didn't say anything, he just pushed the hair closer. Eventually Izuku gave up and grabbed the hair, placing it in his mouth while cringing at the feeling of it going down his throat. It was an unpleasant feeling, at least he wouldn't need to do it more then once. That would have been a nightmare and a half.

"Gah!" Izuku groaned gagging as his gag reflex acted up against the foreign object trying to be ingested.

"It will pass soon, I know it's not a pleasant experience." Toshinori said reassuringly, clearly remembering his own experience.

Izuku just gave his mentor a small smile, still feeling sick after eating the hair.

"It's alright, nothing comes without a price after all." Izuku commented feeling mildly bitter that his own Quirk hadn't come with a minor consequence, instead of killing someone just to heal another.

"Well, Young Sasaki." Toshinori said taking a deep breath." I wish you luck on your entrance exam, I looked forward to you becoming a wonderful Hero."

"Thanks Toshi-san!" Izuku replied cheerfully, happy for the time he had been able to spend with his mentor. Now he had a Quirk he could use that wouldn't hurt others, something actually useful for Heroics.

"Your welcome, my boy!" Toshinori said with a wide smile." Now your Uncle should be here to pick you up and take you to UA, are you ready?"

Izuku nodded before running off in the direction of the parking lot next to the beach, excitement rushing through him. He quickly spotted Yoichi waiting next to their white van, he ran over waving his hand in greeting.

"Hey, Uncle Yoichi!" Izuku exclaimed with a wide grin." I got it, I got One For All!"

"That's wonderful news, Izu-kun." Yoichi responded fondly, ruffling Izuku's hair with his hand before getting into the car with Izuku.

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