Ch 7. The Fourth Kill

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)

I am not completely happy with this chapter...I feel it's a bit rushed or...something. However I couldn't figure out what else to do with it.


To Izuku's surprise he hadn't gotten last place, even though he had decided to not use One For All. Mineta however, was not so lucky.

"Mineta, your expelled." Shouta declared earning gasps from everyone." What, you didn't think I was serious? Becoming a Hero isn't fun and games, it will likely get you killed on day and how long you live depends on skill, experience, and luck."

Izuku just watched Shouta, wondering what caused him to be so cynical. It couldn't have just been the Underground Heroics, something happened. Had it been Oboro's....sort of death that triggered this?

As class ended Izuku was left with questions about his new teacher, but for now he would contain the need to investigate.

"Hey, Izuku-kun!" Ochaco called once Izuku walked out the front gates of UA that evening, he turned around to smile at his friend.

"What's up, Uraraka-chan?" Izuku responded with a small smile. Ochaco took a deep breath before, closing her eyes and blurting what was on her mind.

"Can we hang out sometime?" Ochaco asked quickly." I just don't often find friends, and your the first one I've had in a couple years."

Izuku blinked, surprised by the request.

"Sure thing, perhaps in a few day?" Izuku offered with a smile." I need to talk to my Dad about it, if that's alright with you?"

"Yeah, of course!" Ochaco said with a relieved expression." I just got a bit excited at the thought of having new friends."

Izuku nodded in acceptance, before spotting Yoichi pulling up in front of UA. He waved to his Uncle, turning around to Ochaco once more.

"My Uncle is here, see you at school tomorrow, Uraraka-chan." Izuku said his goodbyes, before heading towards Yoichi a smile on his face.

Once he got into the car with Yoichi, he felt like something was wrong.

As the drive continued the feeling got stronger and stronger, until it got to the point it was nearly overwhelming. He was practically forcing himself not to pant, but Yoichi clearly noticed something was wrong.

"Izu-kun, are you feeling alright?" Yoichi asked gently, but Izuku wasn't paying attention to his Uncle. A moment later as if his actions were being controlled he took the stirring wheel and jerked it to the side, just in time for a hug construction pole to hit the road where they had been moments before.

Yoichi regaining control of the car swerved, having gone deathly pale. He quickly stopped the car and looked backwards to where a person was standing, not just any person either. It was the known Villain Muscular, also known to be unstable and unpredictable.

They were in a dangerous situation.

"Izu-kun, call Mirai and Toshinori." Yoichi ordered his teeth clenched tightly, Muscular walking towards them slowly as if playing with them.

Izuku followed his Uncle's orders, dialing his phone and waiting for the call to go through to Toshinori. All Might would be more useful then his Dad right now, especially against Muscular. Thankfully Toshinori picked up, immediately Izuku began talking into the phone.

"Toshi-san!" Izuku called into the phone." Help! Yoichi and I are stuck in our car, Muscular is here and walking towards us!"

"Where are you, young Sasaki?!" Toshinori asked worry evident in the Hero's tone, Izuku told his mentor where they were making sure to keep the phone on even after Toshinori had gone silent.

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