Ch 12. Sports And Rebellions

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Number of Life String's Izuku is currently in possession of: 3


After the mild incident manifesting Float, he had gotten help from Ochaco on how to control himself in the air. Float it's self wasn't too useful for flying, but with One For All and Black Whip it didn't mean he couldn't still move through the air rather easily. Other then crashing into walls now and then, of course.

Currently Izuku was waiting with the rest of Class 1-A, the Sport's Festival was moments away from starting and he was buzzing with excitement. He was about to compete against other Heroes in training, Toshinori even stated that it was good training for being able to handle a lot of people looking at you.

"I am so excited man!" Kirishima stated with a wide grin, his shark-like teeth glinting in the dim light of the room." What do you think it's gonna be like, I know there is three stages...but they change every year."

Izuku huffed slightly, despite the challenges changing every year, they still stayed to a theme. The first challenge was a test on how well you do individually, when not going against an opponent. The Second was always a teamwork test and third was almost always a 1v1, though how it was done varied sometimes.

"What about you Midoriya?" Asui questioned curiously." Are you excited for the Sport's Festival?"

"Um, yeah...I guess." Izuku responded awkwardly." More nervous then anything though, there will be so many people watching."

A few people winced at that, not everyone was keen on being judged for their skills.

With a deep breath, Izuku and the class walked out into the arena. Immediately Izuku noted the obstacle course, wincing slightly. This was gonna be a slaughter, the pathway was pretty narrow and he didn't know what kinda of traps there would be.

Izuku watched as Kacchan gave his frankly awful speech, before Present Mic's voice echoed through the stadium. The entire school lined themselves up at the beginning of the obstacle course and Izuku powered One For All up as much as he could. He had been pushing himself to use more of the Quirk lately, trying to do something to make up for what he had done during the USJ.

He'd succeeded in getting up to about thirty percent, before he collapsed from exhaustion due to not having eaten or slept for a few days. Mirai had scolded him, whilst Yoichi and Hikage had explained how that wasn't the way to build his resistance to One For All. He had to give his body time to process each percent, not go head long into it and expect it to work out.

The moment the siren rang, he shot forward using Danger Sense to dodge and weave between other students. The robots and minefield whiles unexpected weren't much of an issue for him to deal with, it was mainly him feeling the urge to help his opponents that he had to fight for most of the race.

He won, with Bakugou and Todoroki coming in second and third.

Izuku winced immediately, noticing the anger in Todoroki's expression as they stared at him from off to the side. It was clear the duel Quirked teen was unhappy with Izuku's victory, but he felt there was something deeper to that then was immediately obvious.

Izuku had trouble finding a team for the cavalry battle, most wanting to fight him to gain the ten million points. That being said he did manage to convince at least two people to join him, three if you included Dark Shadow who was Fumikage's Quirk. The other person who joined was Uraraka, making it three people who could fly or at least sort of fly.

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