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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

One of the Nightstalkers was circling Hermione and hissing in a vicious way.

She kept her wand at a tight grip on her hand even though she was shaking and her palms were getting sweaty.

The Nightstalker stared at her and Hermione felt her headache again (which she hadn't had in a pretty long time.)

She kept a hand on her forehead and was wincing in pain, not focusing on the Nightstalkers.

The Nightstalkers gave her a mischievously smile and lounged at her. She fell to the floor and her wand flew out of reach.

She struggled to get It off her but her painful headache prevented her to kick it off. It was snapping its jaws at her but she kept it away from her face.

It scratched her right cheek leaving three streaks and blood was oozing out. She screamed and that's when everyone's attention turned to her.

"Shuttoca!" Cried Blaise and the Nightstalker's mouth was snapped close. Ron got it off her and kicked it in the box with the rest and shut it close.

She stood up and realized it had ripped through her shirt and a line oozing with blood was on her flat stomach. She stood up.

"This was never expected... Well um.. Go to the Hospital Wing or you can lay down in your room."

She just limped out of the dungeon and headed to no where specifically. She didn't want to be in the Hospital anymore and didn't want to be in her room to be reminded of Draco.

She staggered to a window and looked out into the view, not worrying about anything. Just watching the sun set and the pink sky turn dark.

She was then interrupted by the sound of student's voices filling the hall.

Draco was suffering. He couldn't stand being that long away from Hermione. He was rocking back and forth in his bed with his face in his hands.

His mother, Narcissa, came in. "Draco are you okay?" She asked sitting next to him.

"Yeah." He lied. "What's wrong Draco?" She asked. "Mother,.... I'm in love.." He muttered.

"Well that's not that bad." "No Morher, I'm in love with...H-Hermione.." He mumbled.

"Granger?" "Yes.." "Well Draco she's a very smart wizard I mean, if you like her then I don't mind."

"What about father?" She sighed. "He'll understand."

"You know it would be nice to have grandchildren." "Are you suggesting something?" Draco asked.

"Just saying it would be nice to have a Draco Junior and- "Mother!" He whispered loud. she grinned.

"Just got carried away. Anyways I'll be here for you." She kissed his forehead and walked out of his room. He sighed hoping Voldemort won't find out.

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