Chapter 2 • Hogwarts Castle & Feast

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Hermione's head laid on the window, her eyes closed in deep slumber. She had not caught any good sleep for a while because of how deranged yet excited it drives her every year to buy supplies and the overall preparation for Hogwarts. However, the train came to an abrupt stop as it reached its destination and the brunette witch's head flew slightly forward. She awoke suddenly and caught herself in time before she could fall into Draco's lap.

The blonde Slytherin merely looked around as the train came to an abrupt stop, not paying attention to Hermione's would-have-been accident.

He stood up and began heading out the compartment while Hermione stood to flatten out the familiar jet black robes. She spared a few seconds to admire the Gryffindor symbol near her right breast; her light brown hair resting on the crimson out-fold.

Courage. Chivalry. Determination.

This was a mantra to her by now, ever since the Second Wizarding War.

As she slid open the compartment door, a pale hand went up in front her before she realized it was Draco's.

"I have your luggage already, no need to worry."

"Oh, well...thank you..."

"Potter brought it over while you were asleep. Thank him," he replied with a small nod before looking away and carrying both his and her bags.

She stared in awe for a while, still not used to quiet and modest Draco. Hermione gazed at his tall yet evidently strong body as he walked down the cramped corridors carrying their baggages before he finally exited the train and was out of sight.

She followed quietly behind and was immediately grabbed by Ron as soon as she stepped out.


"Hermione!" He greeted cheerfully as he practically dragged her over to Harry, Ginny, and Luna.

Harry greeted her with his typical smile and Luna acknowledged her with a polite nod while a pair of goofy neon pink glasses rested low on the bridge of her nose; 'another one of her "creations"' Hermione surely thought.

Standing besides Luna was-surprisinglyーNeville.
He acknowledged Hermione's presence with a shy smile before turning to talk to Luna. Ginny hugged the witch tightly, commenting how soft her hair seemed now followed by a brief interrogation of the "secret" to her hair.

The group continued to chatter about as they mounted the carriage but became silent as they noticed the obvious differences; one: the carriages were larger than the ones from past years and were completely open-spaced, with only black instilled benches and a headlamp by where the entrance was. Two: everyone in the group could now see the Thestrals patiently waiting for them.
Hermione quietly observed the Thestral's large and bony figure; its glittering and pupil-less eyes bringing her haunting memories from the war.
No one spoke for a while, but the silence already told Hermione that all her tormented friends could also see the winged horse clearly.

It was not long after the carriages started moving that the group began talking again, distracting themselves with each other. Hermione, on the other hand, was lost in her own thoughts. She gazed at one spot, completely blanked out; she has changed quite a bit since the drastic events of the prior year.
The witch glanced around the scenery-still getting used to being able to see everything in the new carriage-as they travelled along a stone path until she inadvertently locked eyes with Draco, who was on the carriage in front of her.

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