The Next Day

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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

                Draco woke up sweating and breathing heavily. He had a dream where Goyle had been torturing Hermione and he was just standing there like an idiot not helping her. What really confused him was shouldn't he had been enjoying it? Did he actually have feelings for Hermione? He wasn't sure about the answers but he had a feeling he'll find out soon.

               He looked beside him and saw she wasn't there and looked over to Hermione's bed where she was fast asleep. She looked so beautiful in her sleep. The sunlight shining on her face and her lips looked so soft. If only I can kiss them. He thought and that's when he noticed it was morning.

             He stood up and put on his shirt and school robe and noticed cuts on his arms but they were stitched. Just then Hermione woke up. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Draco said with a smirk. "Haha, very funny Malfoy." Hermione said with sarcasm and glaring at Draco who was stretching. "Well I'm out of here." "Malfoy you can't. Madam Pomfrey hasn't told us too."

                 "Does it look like I actually care Granger?" "Don't come complaining to me when you get caught." She mumbled laying back down. Draco sat back on his bed and pouted. Why does she always have to have a point? Madam Pomfrey shortly came in the ward.

                "Good morning. I hope you both slept well." She said with a smile and walked towards Hermione. "Dear you have some really deep cuts there." She said lifting Hermione's shirt just to show her flat belly with stitches. "But they should heal quickly. Other than that you both are free to go." She said opening the door. Hermione stood up and pulled the her robe over her and grabbed her wand as Draco grabbed his.

                     They started walking towards their room when Hermione got stopped by Ron. "Ron!" She jumped on him and hugged him and Ron hugged back. "They let you out?" "Yeah." Draco however was just watching them, feeling disgusted by Weasley. He was going to insult him when he was interrupted by Hermione. "Well tell Harry, Ginny, Luna and Neville that I am out.."

                         They hugged again and Ron left. Draco and Hermione walked in silence. They got to the portrait with Snape glaring at Hermione. "Well look who we have here. Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy. Miss Granger I hoped you learned you're lesson that you are not always the smart one." "Lemon Drops." She muttered.

                 "Honestly do you actually believe everything will go perfect for perfect Miss Granger here?" "Lemon Drops." Draco said louder. "Granger you certainly are no Merlin, you are just a know-it-all." "LEMON DROPS!" She yelled at Snape with tears welling up in her eyes. Snape pursed his lips and the portrait swung open. Hermione rushed in and ran to her bedroom where she let all her tears come out. Draco glared at Snape.

               "Snape keep your mouth shut. You don't even know what happens and it was me who caused it not her. Besides that is no way to treat a student just because you don't like them." "Ten points from Slyther-." Draco cut him off.

                   "Now Snape you can't do that since we're Head Boy and Head Girl and you're not a teacher anymore." Snape glared at him. "What has happened to you Draco?" Snape asked. "What about you Snape?" Draco coldly asked and he rushed in, leaving Snape baffled.

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