Visiting Friends

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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

Hermione decided to visit her fellow friends.

She strolled through the empty halls. Usually it would be bustling with people but Voldemort was too attack in two days and everyone was either hiding or planning a strategy.

She made it to the Gryffindor Tower. She entered the common room and was immediately greeted by Ginny.

"Hows the baby Gin?" She asked staring at the visible baby bump.

"It's going great. Professor McGonagall has told me stay hidden with the first years." Ginny informed her.

"Oh that's good." Hermione said before she heard a throat being cleared behind her.

She turned around and saw Harry. She flung her arms around him. "Hey 'Mione."

Rom shortly came with a puzzled look on his face. "Oi, Voldemort's going to attack in two days. How about that mates?"

Hermione sighed and sat down.

"Don't remind me Ron." She muttered.

The four friends sat down and chatted for a while until Ginny carefully stood up.

"I'm going to bed. Night." She said yawning.

"I'll go with you." Harry said standing up.

"Night Hermione." He said as he hugged Hermione. He went to Ginny held her hand and both of them walked to Harry's bedroom.

Ron sighed and look at Hermione.

She was frowning. He gently placed his hand on top of hers.

"It'll be alright 'Mione." He whispered with a grin. She looked up at him and slightly smiled.

It wasn't long before she said her goodbye to Ron and started walking the dark, empty hallway.

As she walked past a window, from the corner of her eye she saw something white.

She walked towards the window and looked out. She snow fall from the gray sky into the now emerald green grass with patches of snow.

Snow? In the middle of the year?! It's not even near Christams!

She rubbed her eyes and looked back at the window.

Nope. She wasn't dreaming. Snowflakes were still falling.

She shook her head and walked away.

But she couldn't help but notice that the next window she was it was raining instead of snowing.

She ran back to the first window and sure enough it was snowing.

She went on to a third window and it was just a clear night.

'Am I going mad?' She thought to herself.

She stepped away from the window until she bumped into the wall.

She slid down and started breathing heavily.

She felt drowsy and she fought to keep her eyes open.

'What's happening to me?' She asked herself.

Her vision was now blurred and she was laying down on the cold, solid floor.

It wasn't long before she fell into a deep slumber.


She awoke by the sound of footsteps. She fluttered her eyes open to find the sun shining brightly on her face through the window.

She realized that she was still on the floor and saliva had escaped her mouth and poured in the floor.

She sat up, wiping the saliva off the corner of her mouth. As the footsteps drew nearer, she yawned and stretched.

It wasn't long before she spotted Neville. He stared at her with a puzzled look. "Shall I ask?" He said as he helped her up. "No. I'm not even sure what happened." Hermione replied.

"The attack is now one day away...." Neville muttered in a nervous tone.

"Yes, but this time I bet it'll be much easier." Hermione said trying to cheer him up.

He grinned at her. "Well I'm going back to my lovely Hannah. See you later Mione." Hermione just smiled as he walked away.

Her smile soon faded as she put thought into the attack. What if alot of people die? Is Hogwarts going to be in ruins again? Is Voldemort going to win this time?

Hermione scowled herself and answered her own questions with a confident 'No'.

She marched to her room, determined to come up with a plan

Author's Note: Sadly, This Story Is Coming To An End. About Two More Chapters And The Novel Will Be Finished. I Have Considered Entering It In The Watty Awrds When I Finish It But I'm Still Not Sure :\ Anyway, Enjoy The Next Chapters Amd Thank You Fans Who Have Been Reading This Story From Beginning To End. I Really Appreciate It :D

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