The Accident

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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

Draco woke up with a headache the next day. He groaned and turned his head around to find that next to him was...Hermione?! He had his arm wrapped around her. He smirked and gazed at her beautiful face with her soft brown hair. He shouldn't be considering it, he shouldn't find her attractive at all, he shouldn't be even making contact with her but this year, all he's wanted to do so far is exactly the opposite of what he's not supposed to do. How could I have hurt someone like her? He said to himself. I can at least try to be nice.

She fluttered her eyes open and he quickly let go. He laid back with his arms behind his head. "Granger I know you want me but you didn't have to knock me out." He said with a smirk. She threw him a dirty look before sitting up and stretching.

"Actually Malfoy you were drunk and I had to take you all the way here." Draco immediately remembered. "Did I say anything?" Hermione blushed. "You said I was beautiful." His cheeks turned scarlet. It's the truth. He told himself.

"How did you end up in my bed though?" "When I set you down, you wouldn't let me go." He gulped hard. Even his drunk self liked Hermione. "Anything else? He asked." She decided not to tell him about the kiss. "Nothing else."

She stood up, stretched, straightened out her school robe and grabbed her wand. "We have Potions class in ten minutes." She mumbled and with that she went down the staircase and left to go find Harry and Ron. Draco quickly stood up and grabbed his wand and rushed out with Snape glaring at him. He then joined Goyle and Blaise.

They were talking about girls until Goyle asked Draco a question. "Would you rather live with Pansy or Granger?" "Granger because she won't be all over me." "You'd go with a filthy Mudblood?" Draco clenched his fist at that. "Don't call her that!" He yelled at him. After realizing what he just said he quickly added, "Only I can say that." Goyle and Blaise shrugged.

Draco rapidly walked to class and sat on an empty desk in the back.

Just when Professor Flitwick was beginning, Hermione rushed in. "You're late Miss Granger." "I know I am sorry." She looked around and saw the only empty chair was next to Draco. She silently walked over to Draco and plopped on the chair next to him and glanced at the cauldron. "Now, carefully put the Unicorn's blood in the cauldron" Hermione looked in and saw that the liquid was green but she poured Unicorn's blood and it turned silver.

He continued giving out more instructions but Hermione became frustrated and handed it to Draco. "You haven't done anything so do it." He glared at her and dropped every potion he could get his hands on. "Malfoy what are you doing!? That's dangerous, it can explode!" Hermione hissed at him loudly. "Now the color should be yellow." Professor Flitwick stated as he turned around to face his class

Hermione looked in and saw that it was purple and boiling. "What did you do Malfoy?" "I don't know." The liquid rose and the cauldron instantly exploded sending Hermione flying to the wall and her head crashed against the wall and she fell to floor already knocked out.

Draco however just got cut by the cauldron breaking and pieces flying away. He looked around and saw everyone fleeing from the classroom.

Not good.

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