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Just a reminder/bookmark chapter to let the readers know that the chapters from here on out are the original version of my story; that is to say, they are not revised or edited in any way yet and will most likely not coincide with the updated chapters read previously.

I will be providing a quick summary for what has happened in the original chapters for those of you who wish to continue reading.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron all make it back to the Hogwarts Express along with Ginny, Luna, and Neville. They all share one compartment but Draco comes in with his arrogant self and they go to talk to McGonagall.
There, they are told that they are to become Head Boy and Head Girl.
Hermione freaks out but Draco is, as usual, arrogant about it still.
They reach Hogwarts.
The Sorting Hat ceremony or the introductions has not passed yet but Draco and Hermione are called into Professor McGonagall's office to debrief their duties and they also get the news that they will be sharing one common room.
Hermione is shocked and Draco is indifferent.
As they leave, Hermione tells Draco to hold back any sarcastic and insulting remarks and he does exactly the opposite, calling her a know-it-all snooty brat that no one likes.
She takes it very personal and angrily insults Draco back before leaving with tears in her eyes.
Draco feels somewhat remorse about it and chases after her.

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