Day Before Halloween

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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

Hermione woke up the next day and sat up scanning her room which she hadn't seen in a while and found it just the way it was before she left to the hospital. She stood up with her bare feet touching the cold floor and walked to the door.

She rubbed her eye with her right hand and twisted the door knob with the left but jumped and the sight before her. Draco stood there in his pajamas trousers and shirtless leaning on the door frame and he laughed. "Revenge is fun isn't it?" She glared at him. "Don't give me that look don't you remember you scared me at the hospital."

 Hermione had a flashback and she giggled at how scared he seemed. He trotted to his room and wore his school robes. By the time he was at the bottom of the stairs, Hermione had her Hogwarts robes on as well and she was grabbing her wand and headed out. He too grabbed his wand from the coffee table and walked out to be interrupted by Snape.  

"Well look who we have here. Mister Malfoy. Better not be late for class." Draco rolled his grey eyes at him and continued walking to Potions class where he plopped down next to Hermione. Surprisingly, she didn't raise her hand one single time during the whole lesson.

In fact she hadn't raised her hand in any of her classes she just remained quiet with her head resting on the books and she always had a plain look on her face. Draco managed to survive all the classes without getting in trouble though time seemed to move fast and before he knew it, it was already time for the banquet. Before Hermione could leave Draco gently grabbed her wrist.

 "Can I join you and Wonder Boys over there?" He whispered as he glanced across the classrom to see Harry and Ron heading out the door.   

"Draco don't call them that. Atleast they accepted you and sure you can." She slightly smiled at him and spun around. "Wait up!" She called to Harry and Ron as she jogged towards them and caught up with them. "Harry, Ron do you guys mind if Malfoy sits with us today?"

 She asked biting her lip. "I mean he lost Goyle and Blaise and doesn't have any friends except me and I feel bad for the poor guy." Harry looked shocked but he also felt bad for Draco.

"Sure." "Ron do you mind?" "Fine." She smiled wide. "Do I get a hug?" Ron asked enthustiasticly. "Fine." She hugged Ron and he squeezed her and lifting her off the floor and inhaled her her scent of strawberries and she giggled.

 "Mate I want to hug her too." Harry hissed lowly. Ron sadly let go of her and he embraced her. "Good to have you back 'Mione." He said letting go and they walked side by side all the way to the Great Hall. They plopped down on the seat with Hermione always in between them.

 Draco then appeared and strolled down the aisle leading to the Gryffindor table with every Slytherin person gasping and whispering to each other. "Hello Potter and Weasley." He said in a sweet voice taking a seat in front of Hermione. "Draco, just call me Harry." "Alright then Harry." He felt weird saying his name. "Call me Ron." "Okay then Ron."

 They awkwardly sat there glancing at each other. "Let the feast begin!" They heard and food appeared in the golden plates. Harry and Ron dug in. "You want that 'Mione?" Ron said with mouth full pointing at a chicken breast in her plate.

 "Ron don't talk with you're mouth full!" He chewed and swallowed loudly. "Much better." Ron grabbed her plate and started eating from there too. "Merlin's beard, do they always eat like this?" Draco whispered loud enough only for Hermione to hear. "Yeah it's totally normal once you get used to it." "Mind you, it's disgusting." "I've heard." She replied back. "Draco what day it is tomorrow?" "October 31st."  

"Blimey, I nearly forgot it's Halloween tomorrow! I have to start looking for costumes." "See you guys later." She grabbed a green apple and strolled to her room with Draco right behind her. "Are you follwowing me?" "No I just forgot to get a costume too." She rolled her eyes.

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