A Voice

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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

The first friend Hermione and Draco spotted was Ginny. "Draco why are you here and who is she?" She asked staring at Hermione. "I am here because I want to be and this is Rebecca." He said sarcastically. Hermione playfully slapped his arm. "It's me, Hermione!" Ginny's mouth dropped. "Oh my, you look so different!" She said hugging her. Harry and Ron came and stared at Draco then Hermione. "Who's she?" Harry asks with a puzzled face. "I'm Rebecca." Hermione said trying to keep her straight face. "Well hello Rebecca." Ron said in a flirty manner winking at her. Hermione now playfully slapped his arm. "It's me, Hermione!" She said bursting into laughter with Ginny and Draco. Ron slightly blushed. "You look amazing Hermione." He said quietly.

"I've heard." She replied grinning. "Shall we?" Harry asked gesturing at a table with Luna and Neville talking. They walked to the table and sat down. "Hello Hermione." Neville and Luna said in unison. "Finally someone who recognizes me." She said and everyone laughed.

They all started talking but Hermione zoned out. "Come." She heard a faint voice say. She slightly jumped and looked around to see if anyone was talking to her but no one was. "Over here." She heard the voice say again and she stared at the direction where it seemed to come from but it lead to a huge dark forest. She decided to ignore it and thought she was hallucinating.

"You can't ignore me!" The voice angrily said and her head snapped towards the forest. "Come." The voice said sounding more demanding. She stood up and excused her self and quickly walked towards the forest with Draco looking at her with a puzzled and worried look.

Hermione walked deeper into the forest. She was scared out of her mind because it was so dark she couldn't see a thing! But she just couldn't stop walking. It was like she was forced to walk and she didn't even know where she was going. Suddenly she stopped in a small open area but surrounded by trees. She would've ran away but the only thing she couldn't move was her legs. "Right where I want you." The voice said again.

She froze and was definitely scared now. She frantically searched her dress for her wand but found nothing. She gulped loudly and hoped she would be okay. She felt a breeze behind her and felt a cold hand on her shoulder. She didn't move a muscle for she was too scared. The person leaned in her and got so close he was breathing down her neck. "You were very easy to control you know." He whispered with a cold, evil voice. Hermione let out a scream that echoed through the forest.

Draco paced back and forth in front of the table. "Calm down mate." Harry said. "She's alone Harry!" "She's a very smart wizard and knows almost every spell and she has her wand. What can go wrong?" Draco took out her wand from his pocket. "This!" "That's not good." Ron said gulping really loud. Suddenly they heard a loud scream from the forest and everyone in the party looked at the forest with puzzled looks. "Hermione!" Draco yelled sprinting towards the forest with his wand Harry and Ron followed behind him.

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