The Plan

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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

            Draco rushed up the stairs and knocked on Hermione's door. "Leave me alone." "Alohomora." Whispered Draco and he pushed the door open to find Hermione sitting down on her bed. Draco walked up to her and sat next to her.

                     "Granger don't believe what he says."I don't. I don't know why it's been getting to me lately." Hermione mumbled as she wiped her tears away.Draco sighed. "Granger we might be enemies but just don't listen to him. I know you're much more stronger than this." Hermione sighed and wiped more tears away. She then did something she never though she'd do.

 She hugged him. Draco hugged her back, squeezing her more than he should have. "Thank you." She whispered.


                   As weeks flew by, Hermione and Draco grew closer together and each day they learning things about each other. For the first time in both their lives, they weren't fighting. They were'nt arguing. They weren't throwing snide remarks at each other. They were getting along. They were actually becoming friends, even. Draco would even ditch Goyle and Blaise just to be with Hermione.

           Goyle, however, was not to pleased about it. He was still also angry at Hermione because he thought that she was the one who blew up the cauldron. Blaise and him for four week plotted a revenge against Hermione and put the plan into action.

                     So one night Draco and Hermione were sitting by the fireplace. Draco was laying down on the couch, almost falling asleep and Hermione was sitting on the floor, doing Transfiguration class homework. Suddenly the portrait that leads to their common room burst open. Hermione jumped and Draco stood and turned around only to find Goyle and Blaise entering the room. "Get her." Goyle commanded staring at Hermione who looked terrified.

                   Blaise walked up to Hermione, picked her up, and swung her over his shoulder. "Blaise put me down immediately!" She yelled as she struggled. "Goyle, what the bloody hell are you doing?!" "Getting revenge on Granger for exploding the cauldron." "I blew it up you nit wit! Now put her down this instant!" Draco bellowed at Goyle, glaring at Blaise.

              Blaise finally set Hermione down in front of him but had a tight grip on her shoulder so she couldn't escape. Hermione struggle more to get out but Blaise just held on tighter. "Let her go." Draco growled. "Don't Blaise." Goyle demanded and Draco instantly lounged at Goyle. Goyle fell with Draco on top of him and they both wrestled on the floor until Draco kicked him away and they both stood up and Goyle took out his wand.

                  Draco looked for his but couldn't find it. "Sectumsempra!" Goyle yelled and a spark flew towards Draco but he dodged it. He was about to go for another round with Goyle but hee froze when he heard a earsplitting scream from behind him. He turned around to find Hermione with a huge cut across her stomach. She was bleeding profusely and she fell back on Blaise. "Hermione!" Draco yelled. Blaise panicked and laid her down on the floor and he stared back at Goyle, terrified of what Goyle has done. Draco stared at Hermione, who was wincing in pain, as she tried to stop the bleeding with her hands.

            Draco felt anger boil inside him. He turned to Goyle and grabbed his arm, snatched his wand and pushed him back. Goyle stumbled back. "STUPEFY!" He yelled and Goyle flew back and crashed against the wall. Draco then punched Blaise in the stomach and he doubled over. Draco kneed his face and while Blaise stood up, grasping his nose, Draco punched him square on his face. Blaise fell back. Draco ran to Hermione who's shirt was drenched with blood and Draco picked her up bridal style and ran to the Hospital Wing and set Hermione down on the bed.

"MADAM POMFREY!" Draco yelled as loud as he could. "Coming!" Draco went to Hermione's side and she squeezed his hand as she winced in pain. "Thank..." She paused to breath heavily "You..." paused again "Draco..." She said in a faint voice and then went unconscious. Draco had tears forming in his eyes and that's when it him.

The same bushy haired, big toothed Mudblood he had made fun of for seven years he now liked. A lot for now she was no longer bushy haired but wavy short hair with a beautiful face. Not even the word 'like' suits what he feels for her.

Draco Lucius Malfoy is in love with Hermione Jean Granger

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