Common Room

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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

          Hermione however was storming off to the Great Hall wiping her tears away and she was angry at that ferret. She marched down the aisle and sat angrily between Ron and Harry trying to cool off. Before Ron could say something, the usual Professors seated at the front stood up with Professor McGonagall in the middle.

         "Welcome, welcome! For some of you, this is your first year at Hogwarts and we'd like to welcome you." She spoke loudly as everyone clapped loudly.

              "For most of you it is not your first. Welcome to another wonderful year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" She said louder as everyone clapped and cheered louder.

             "For those of you that were here last year, you all know we've lost two amazing professors. We will never forget Severus Snape and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Professor McGonagall said more sadly as everyone remained silent. After McGonagall wiped her tears with a handkerchief she continued.

            "Now, for the most exciting part. The sorting of the first years!" She said happier. She stepped aside to reveal the Sorting Hat sitting on the usual stool. The first years gawked at the hat.

           Hermione noticed Hagrid slip out of his seat and walk to the Great Hall doors. Hagrid gesture her to come over. "I have to go. See you later." She whispered at Harry and Ron and walked to Hagrid. When she looked up at him, she saw Draco already standing by him staring right at her. She continued walking looking down until she finally reached Hagrid and stared at him, once again avoiding eye contact with Draco.

          "Hullo 'Mione. Draco." He said with a glare. "Now if yeh'll both please follo' me." Hagrid added as he started walking. Hermione walked beside him while Draco behind them both. The three walked in silence. Hermione could faintly hear the Sorting Hat singing.

Or will you join the loyal and courageous Gryffindors,

Who certainly bore!

          They continued walking until they reached a rather big portrait with Severus Snape in it. Snape narrowed his eyes at Hermione. "Come off it, Snape. The pa'word'd she say again?...Oh, right...Lemon Drops 'nd yeh'll both share a room. Now any problem yeh hav', talk to Proffes'er 'Gonagall."

        Hagrid turned and started for the Great Hall. "Lemon Drops." muttered Hermione looking away. The portrait swung open and they both stepped in and the portrait closed behind them. There was a beige, soft couch in front of the fireplace and a bookshelf. Hermione walked upstairs and saw two doors and decided to go to the right one.

          When she opened it, she saw the room that had the Gryffindor colors, scarlet and gold with a huge bed and one shelf, a mirror and a big closet. On her bed she saw her luggage laid out. Draco opened the door to the left and saw that the room looked like Hermione's but with the Slytherin colors, green and silver. Draco went out and saw a door he didn't notice before. He opened it and saw that it was a bathroom.

        One bathroom only? Hermione asked herself and went downstairs hoping to find another bathroom. "There's only one bathroom Granger." Draco said going down the stairs. "If you think we're going to shower together then you're wrong you disgusting little ferret."

 "Well I never suggested that but I like how you think." He said with a smirk. Hermione groaned and stormed out of the room to Harry's and Ron's room to tell them the bad news.

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