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~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

Draco stopped at a lake. Hermione looked around and realized this was the place where she had met the dog. Well 'fluffball' as Draco liked to call it. He silently walked to the same log and sat down gazing at the lake. She too sat down and tried to read his expression but had no luck. He broke the silence by saying "Do you know why I brought you here?" He asked still gazing at the lake. She looked down and nodded no. He turned to look at her. "Well it's about time you know. Ever since we have started this year, I have been wanting to snog you senseless. At first I thought I was crazy but came to my senses and now I now accept the fact that I'm truly in love with you." Hermione stared at him in shock. "I am hoping you feel the same." He mumbled loud enough for her to hear. She bit her lip. Does she feel the same for him? She too had also been wanting to snog him but what about her friends? They sure won't like her and him together.

She sighed. "I do feel the same for you." She whispered. A grin spread across his face and he leaned in closer until there was no gap between their lips. He kissed her with such passion. He licked the bottom of her lips asking for entrance and she happily granted it. He explored every inch of her mouth when finally they both pulled away and he leaned his forehead on hers, both out of breath.

"So are we a couple now?" He asked eagerly. "Yes." He grinned and embraced her and slightly lifted her off the ground. He let go and they both hand in hand strolled out of the forest together. When they got inside Hogwarts the immediately pulled their hands to their sides before people noticed. They walked at a fast pace to their common room but were both surprised to find Harry whispering to Snape. "Did you know about that Snape?" Harry asked impatiently. He looked away. "Yes." "Damn it Snape who's side are you on?!" "Why would it matter to you?" "Snape it matters he because his victim for this year is bloody Hermione Granger!" He pratically yelled which made Hermione flinch. Snape glanced at Draco and Hermione and Harry turned around to glance at them too. He quickly walked up to Draco. "You better figure out all of Voldemort's plan Draco you better because I am not letting that bloody old git killing anyone anymore let alone my best friend." He angrily said and pushed last him.

"What's his problem?" Draco asked. "Draco seriously you have to figure out all of his plans or else everyone in Hogwarts will probably die by the end of the year." "I know I'll figure it out when I return home for Christmas." Hermione seemed to sadden a bit. She didn't want to spen Christmas without him but it was for good. They walked to Snape's portrait. "I see Potter has turned a bit vicious hasn't he?" Draco shrugged and said "Lemon Drops." They walked in and Hermione sat down on the sofa in front of the fireplace and brought her knees closer to her body, wrapped her arms around her legs and layed her head down while staring at the fire that seemed to be dancing. She thought about everything that was happening. She and Draco were officially a couple but she despised the fact that she would have to tell her friends and she was concerned about their reactions to the news. To make matters worse Voldemort was coming after her and they don't even know when. He'll stop at nothing to kill her. She shuddered atthe mental image of her being hit by the Cruciatus Curse. "He kill you as long as I'm here. In fact I won't even let him lay a finger on you unless he's asking for a deathwish." She was comforted by what he said and she snuggled closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her and she drifted off into a peaceful sleep, a bit happier knowing Draco would protect her.

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