Discussing Again

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So should I continue this story or do I suck that badly and just stop? Leave comments with your opinion .

~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~

Harry, Ron and Draco walked in a pretty fast pace hoping they don't encounter another creature. Hermione couldn't help but think who was that? How did he control her and what does he want from her? Questions flooded her brain but was shortly interrupted by Draco gently putting her down. She pouted and he chuckled. "Sorry Princess but they might get the wrong idea." He said smirking and walking towards the table. Hermione was confused and slightly angry but walked to the table. She plopped down on the chair in between Draco and Ron.

"Hermione what happened exactly?" Harry asked curiously. "Well I heard a voice in my head and decided to ignore it but then i unintentionally walked into the forest but I couldn't stop because I felt like I was being for forced too. I stopped at an area and a cloaked figure started telling me things I didn't want to hear. He pointed his wand at me and could've done who knows what to me if Draco hadn't come." She quickly said and everyone tried to process what she just said in their mind.

Draco gulped loudly. He knew exactly who it was and just hoped they believed him. But for one thing he was certain of is that she will be in grave danger. But he won't let anything harm her, not on his watch they won't. "What could this mean?" Ron asked confused. Draco knew exactly what it meant. "Do you all trust me?" He asked quietly. They all nodded yes. "I think I know who it is." He quietly said again. "Who?" Harry asked impatiently.

Draco leaned in closer to the table. "Voldemort." He whispered. "What?! But that bloody old git is dead!" Ron blurted out and they shushed him. "Not quite. He has one last hocrux that he kept a secret so that no one will be prepared when he attacks. He currently has Bellatrix to protect it." "I thought she died. I saw it with my own two eyes." Ginny said. "She's still alive. Apparently she has a little relationship with Voldemort and he agreed to make a clone of her that will act exactly like her and look like her and is mortal while she stayed at home with Voldemort." "But what does this have to do with Hermione?" Neville asked still confused.

"Harry, he still wants to kill you. Voldemort is playing this game smarter and going after people you love so you can sacrifice yourself." Draco said shuddering at the last part. "So he's going after to me to get to Harry?" Hermione asked worried. "May be."

"Great so there's going to be another war at the end of the year huh?" Draco nodded and Harry sighed. "Well at least we know now but we must tell Professor McGonagall." "Not yet Harry. Not until I'm sure and I'll find out on Christmas Break when I return home to my family." "Can we not talk about this anymore?" Luna asked a bit scared and they shrugged.

A slow song came on and Harry jumped up holding out his hand for Ginny. "Shall we?" She giggled and took his hand. Neville stood up too and nervously held out his hand to Luna. Luna grinned and took his hand and he smiled and they walked to the dance floor with other couples. A few seconds later Lavender came up and pulled Ron out without asking him to dance but he went with it. Hermione always knew Harry fancied Ginny and Neville fancied Luna and was happy for them.

A few guys asked Hermione if she would like to dance with them but she rejected them politely one by one. She sighed and sadly looked at the couples slow dancing, wishing she had someone but was interrupted by hand. She glanced up and saw Draco. "Draco who are you kidding you hate me. You should be dancing with someone better than me." He chuckled. "I've changed Princess and besides I wanna dance with you." She hesitantly took his hand.

"Don't call me princess!" She whispered. "Whatever babe." She groaned and he smirked. They walked to the dance floor and he placed both of his hand on her waist and she placed both of her hands on his broad shoulders. They started slow dancing, looking into each other eyes. Hermione laid her head against his strong chest and he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly. She loved feeling his warmth all around her and they stayed like that for the rest of the song. Hermione was falling head over heels for Draco

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