Sin: part 6 (e)

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I brought him galbijjim.

And boy, could he be any happier. I was in the kitchen preparing us dinner, and Joshua was sitting at his usual spot, the counter. He loves the sound of meat frying.

"Here comes the first serve," I got it off the pan and he ate it sizzling hot. I can't believe this boy. 

"Let it cool down first, you'll burn your palate," Always have to explain to him like a child. 

Anyway, the dinner was scrumptious. 

I just finished cleaning the kitchen when Joshua tugged on my sleeve. "Yeah, baby?" I gave him my attention. He pointed at himself, at his lips, then at me. No, he's not asking for a kiss this time. "You want to tell me something?"

He bit his lower lip then nodded. "What is it?"

Nervously, he lifted his hand and mimed making a line over his neck, then writing some letters on his own arm.

It took me some time to understand but it made me shocked when I did. "Is it about those m-murders?" I frowned. He nodded. "What— what about them?"

He took my hand, went into the study, and wrote something in the diary sitting on the chair, then showed me.

He took my hand, went into the study, and wrote something in the diary sitting on the chair, then showed me

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I sat beside him. "What theory?"

He went to fetch his bag and brought out an old dusty book about the hundred-year-old history of this city. He opened it on a particular page and pointed at it. It was something about a cult.

 I sighed, "Joshua, I'm not interested in any of these things,"

 He insistently tapped on it again, he wanted me to read that article. I took the book from him and started reading,

 About seventy years ago, the news of the disappearance of people overnight was spreading through the city, who used to be found dead after some days. It was notorious among citizens that a satanic cult was formed in a church that shall remain nameless. They used to abduct people discreetly for some kind of sacrifice. 

Their beliefs were that every human being on this planet is a sinner, who was promoting tyranny in the world. That is why they wanted God to incarnate on this earth again to annihilate the sins. 

To send this message to God, the sacrifices of good and kind people were made, who the cult believed were sinless and used to come to the same church. 

Scarring their arms with words that probably symbolized summoning God back here, they killed those people and threw their bodies in the lake— sending them back to God and telling him through the words written on their arms to incarnate again.

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