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Don't really have anything I want to say so ya, enjoy!

Clays pov~


Love love love.

It was everywhere. I was walking in the school hallways watching couples hold hands and some couples kiss. If you don't see any couples around then you'll certainly see cheesy flyers on the walls.

Why were people like this? I don't know. But what I do know is that love is fake. It's nothing except for heartbreak. That is if you choose the 'wrong person', or that's what my friend Sapnap says. Sap is my best friend form when I was twelve, he has a boyfriend named karl. Karl was a nice guy, the three of us were good friends, but that meant me being a third wheel, and around love again.

I was there when sapnap confessed, he needed help and since I'm such an amazing friend I agreed, he had his headphones in and I talked and gave him advice through it. And then they got together and by the looks of it, fell in love.

Love. The thing people believe is an amazing experience. If it was so amazing as they said. Then why did it break me?

"Dream!" Sap smiled waving infront of my locker, him and Karl have been waiting for me I suppose.

"Morning" I said opening my locker and grabbing my time table (or schedule, whatever you call it).

"What do you guys have first?" Karl asked plopping a chocolate in his mouth.

"Biology with Miss puffy." Sapnap said.
"Me to" I said putting my time table back in the locker and grabbing my biology text book and a notebook.

"I have art with miss niki, I know someone from there so I won't be alone, besides, she's a nice teacher" karl smiled. The school bell rang, demanding students to go to class.

"We should go, we don't want to be late" I said looking at the other students who were already scattering to class.

"Bye Karl!" Sapnap said placing a kiss on his cheek and walking away with me.

"I dont get it" I sighed.
"Listen, when you find your person. Trust me, you'll wish you were more open with love" sap said matter of factly, knowing what I meant.

Soon we arrived to the room, walking in, we were right on time.

"Good morning boys, please take a seat" Miss puffy said smiling sweetly. We both waved and sat down next to each other at the second last desk.

Sapnap placed his head on the table while folding his arms, waiting for the lesson to start and for more students to arrive.

Miss puffy was a nice woman, really sweet and caring. Not my favorite but she's definitely in the top 3.

When the second bell rang all students were in their seats, Sap sat up more properly to focus on the lesson. I listened as Miss puffy explained the task for the day.

so far, this day wasn't terrible, I had a feeling its going to be good in a way.

George's pov~

Today is the worst day ever. I got fired as a writer, I let my sister down, She barely got food, and I didn't sleep because I had to look for a new job. I could tell that Karl and sapnap were getting worried, karl was a student in a few of my classes, sometimes I'd also have sap with me, that's how I knew them. After my 'father' left we couldn't live in that house since it was his, karl was kind enough to offer me and my sister a place in his and sapnaps house.

Karl. He's an amazing guy. Kind, caring, creative. The bestest friend you could ask for, If I was sapnap I'd consider my self lucky.

I dont think I've mentioned but sap and Karl were dating. I've been there when Karl confessed. Karl said that sapnap wanted to talk to him and got nervous, he asked if it was okay I talked to him using headphones. And I agreed, now their both happy and together, but I don't have time for love.

"George!" Karl called running next to me.
"Hey Karl!" I smiled giving him a small fist bump.

"Art?" He asked walking next to me.
"Yeah, if we go now we won't be late" I said.

We both talked and walked, him telling me about his date with sapnap and about another friend of his called.. clay? I heard a few things about him, but I've never seen him.

"So.. new job?" He asked me
"Found one already, there's this coffee shop not far from here, the one you and sap go to? I went for an interview and I start today after school" I said. Karl congratulated me and started talking about how amazing it is that I now work at the café where he hangs out with sapnap and this clay dude.

We were the first in class.

"Karl, George, good morning" Miss niki greeted kindly. She was a brilliant teacher, Karl's favorite. We talked to her and she told us about the new project we're going to be working on, in pairs. A few students started to come in so we went to sit down in our seats, first row.

"Hope everyone had a good evening yesterday, today we're going to start a new project, your going to have to either draw your favorite flower, or any place you love to go to, it's optional. Also, please remember that this is the last day for you to submit your other project we've been working on last week. On this project,  instead of working as an individual, you'll be working with the student next to you"

I looked over at Karl and he looked over at me. I gave hime a thumbs up and he just smiled, then we returned our focus on the teacher.

This day shouldn't be so bad.. hopefully it'll get better at math class, and hopefully work won't be so bad either. It shouldn't be when I have my only two friends around.. right?


And that's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Nothing really happens.. just a calm small introduction to the story. Next chapter is when they meet! Have a great day/night :)

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