Unsolved Mysteries {BONUS}

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Hello there.

Today I will be telling you a bunch of unsolved mysteries here in this book.

I don't want to make this into long, so let's get straight into it.

1. George mentioned a him in the book, but no one knows who he referred to.

The truth is... GEORGE HAD A BOYFRIEND. Remember in the letter where George's father told him that his mother knew he was gay? Well that was because George had a secret partner, and his mother found out. George's ex was a manipulative, toxic, and a selfish bitch. He was the reason George's eating disorder actually began. { I could make a bonus chapter with the backstory in the future}. George's ex forced him to not eat for hours, telling George over and over again that he should loose weight, and praised George whenever he purged. One day, his ex grew sick of the way George looked and left him. I intended to write a backstory but I was unmotivated, so sorry!

2. Is dreams dad the same John from the note?
YES! George's Dad and Dreams Dad knew each other back in the day, they kept in touch till the wedding but no one knew. George's Dad was too frightened to come back because he got a new life, and was almost absolutely sure George wanted nothing to do with him.

3. The secret behind the voices.
Anyone noticed that Techno and Wilbur were the only two who weren't that scared for George? DING DING DING! THEY WERE THE VOICES.
Techno guided dream, and when Wilbur sensed George's discomfort, he asked techno to teach him. Wilbur replaced an older voice of George's and continued to guide George.

4. Why does Milo hate Dream?
Milo knows.

He knows.

5. What was in George's bag?
THE 4 BLADES. I can't with the comment section- half of you said they were las drogas. The other half a d¡ldo. Like seriously wtf 💀

6. How is tubbo good at stealing shi?
Tubbo was secretly trained by TECHNO! Tommy and Dream were trained to be a warrior, Tubbo was trained to be a spy. And, my dear friends... techno was both.

7. What happened to ranboo?
He fell into a coma after an attempted suicide. Tommy was helping him at the time and he was the one who got to ranboo before he died, saving ranboos life. But Tommy believed he failed, that's how his own sh and slight ed started.

8. What was Tommy's recovery like?
Wilbur found out when he walked into Tommy's room as Tommy was sl@shing his wrist. From that day forward Wilbur and techno helped Tommy as much as they can, philza never knew about it.

9. Why is the coffee 14$???
I GOT SO MANY COMMENTS ABOUT THIS OH MY GOD- I mixed my currency with dollars because I'm dumb. In dollars, the coffee price I intended to put was actually 6$ 💀

10. What was BBH's and skeppy's comfort place?
It was at a hill hidden by trees and bushes, it was where they first met :)


There were so many scenes I wanted to add but couldn't. So today I'm going to be telling you stuff you missed out on 👍

1. The ending was supposed to be George dying. I pictured eve sobbing uncontrollably while dream screams in pain. Also tommy would've ran away and didn't return for two months. I had a line ready, something like: "I mean really, what did you expect? Not every story has a happy ending." But I refrained from doing so because CjWasFounded would've murdered me in my sleep. And I couldn't do that to you guys-

2. The night before George attempted, I wanted Dream to tuck him in bed, and as he was leaving to go home George would ask him to stay, at least until George falls asleep. And Dream grabbed a book and read it to George. But I didn't do it because writers block is a bitch.

3. I wanted a scene where George's father comes back. But I didn't know how to write George or the others reaction so I didn't.

4. I wanted the ending to be a special moment with Tommy and George, it'd had a two year time skip where Dream and sap are playing with the kids, Karl is cooking pancakes. Tubbo and Ranboo were chatting with Karl and helping him, and Tommy and George would talk, George would've said: "Tommy, I owe you so much. If you weren't there this wouldn't have happened, none of this. Thank you" or something like that yk? But this is a dnf book, had to end it with dnf.

5. This one was too hard to write, that's why I didn't do it. But I wanted that after George is out from the hospital and he goes back to his room, he would've broken down. Crying and clutching dreams hoodie, apologizing again and again while Dream tries to calm him down and tell him that it wasn't his fault. It was just too much for my heart and I didn't know how to write it-

There's so much more but that's all I'm going to be telling you- next bonus chapter is the karlnap wedding!!! But I might publish it late because I have another karlnap story I'm working on and I need to focus on that, also final exams are coming up.. but for now I'd like to publish a few chapters of my other story. ( first few chapters are out! It would mean a lot if you checked that out :] ) hope you understand!!

And again, thank you so so much! Remember I love and care about you idiots. Love you

- Dubs <3

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