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6k reads... *sigh*  HOW!? and most importantly.. WHYYYY 💀 I FEEL LIKE MY BOOK IS SO OVERRATED. BUT TY SO MUCH!! TY TY

I guess I have no choice.. I have to.. write the wedding chapter 😭..

This'll probably be so bad since I have no idea what people do at weddings so.. this is you're warning, don't read this.

Anywho, let's start and get this over with.

George's pov~

"And there you go!" Tommy said, I didn't know how to tie a tie, so Tommy did it for me. I looked into the mirror, the blue tie went really well with my navy blue suit.

"Thank you" I smiled gratefully at him. Ranboo and tubbo were here with me, they were just cleaning up the room a little. Soon, Evelyn walked in with her notepad.

"George you're running late. What the heck is taking you so long!? Clays parents arrived and are looking for you, His grandparents want to meet you, and skeppy, bad, Wilbur,
Techno (o7), Callahan,  Philza and his wife are looking for you"

"I'll be right there" I said, she rolled her eyes and walked out.

I grabbed four water guns and handed one to tubbo, one to ranboo, and two to tommy.

"You know what to do" I grinned.
"This is going to be fun" tubbo smiled.
"I don't know.." ranboo said still unsure.
"George you have to go now, we've got this!" Tommy said, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

I left the 'private' room as Eve called it, and headed to the main part of the wedding. The place was really big, I'm surprised we were able to pull it off.

"Clay is waiting for you, ready to walk down the aisle brother?" Eve asked.
"I'm ready" I said. I noticed her tearing up, I laughed at her and gave her a hug.
"Ugh I promised myself I wouldn't cry" she quietly laughed. I let go and wiped a tear.
"It's okay.. go take your place" I shooed her, she left and told me to 'not mess this up'.

Tommy came over, because I obviously wanted him to walk me down the aisle, tubbo and ranboo took their seats.

"Cant believe it's finally happening" I mumbled.
"Well believe it. What I can't believe is that you didn't choose Eve to walk you down the aisle" Tommy said standing next to me.
"She didn't want to, I remember her telling me that she wanted me to ask you instead"
"So I wasn't your first choice!? Rude"
"No you were my first choice, I just felt guilty for not choosing eve"
"Ah. Makes sense"

The curtains opened and everyone quieted down, all eyes were on me. Clay was at the end, waiting for me. I felt nervous, I almost ran away to be honest, but looking around, I only saw the people I care about around me, Clay, eve, drista, Wilbur, bad, skeppy, Karl and sapnap standing behind clay, ranboo, tubbo, and many others. Tommy looked at me unsure, as if asking 'do you need a minuet or?.." I shook my head and he nodded.

I wrapped my arms around Tommy, telling him 'let's do this'. Some boring piano music started playing, and Tommy led me down the aisle, slowly.

I could've swore I saw Wilbur crying, which was weird. Bad was also a mess, I passed around everyone, eve had a few tears running, she smiled at me, and I smiled back.

Ranboo was taking the 'priest' role since our original priest cancelled last second, Wilbur was going to replace him but every time he read the speech he would break down again. Drista and Eve wrote the speech, but ranboo had to be the one to read it.

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