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Tw: kind of small sign of eating disorder?

George's pov~

The day passed by.. last class is math with Nick, call me a nerd but it's my personal favorite. Karl had Mr Cicle, history class with their other friend, clay. Honestly I don't know why we haven't met yet. Probably because I've only known Nick and karl for a few weeks? But it doesn't hurt to ask, right?

"Nick, why didn't I meet clay already?" I asked him.
"Clay is a grumpy dude, he doesn't like new people, so me and Karl thought that you could meet him in the café you'll work in. Clay loves that place, he goes there everyday, it should make him more calm and um- what's the word.. mature." Nick explained to me as we walked in class, again we were the first to enter.

"George! Nick!" The teacher smiled at us.
"Good afternoon Mr. Soot!" I smiled back walking over to his desk as Nick went to sit down at his own.

"How are things?" Mr Soot asked.
"Good good good. Nick and Karl are a great help, how's your life back at home?" I asked.
"Never better" he said.
"What are we having today mr soot?" I asked politely.
"I've told you George, it's okay for you to call me Wilbur. But we're just going to have a review lesson, not everybody is as smart as you and me" he chuckled. A few students came in so I waved to Mr. soot and went back to my seat next to Nick.

Class flew by in a second, we got assigned homework which I'll be helping Nick with. Last task left was to go pick up my sister. Wilbur dismissed us and I waved goodbye, walking outside.

Karl was waiting outside the class door, he told Nick that clay was going to meet them at his car, I said my goodbyes and told them I'd see them at the café. I walked out and over to the next campus, where my sister goes.

When I got there I started looking around the kids who walked out, trying to spot my sister, I saw her and her friend getting picked on by another, ginger haired girl. I decided to step in the moment I saw it was about to get physical.

The one next to my sister had a dirty blonde hair, she seemed nice and fun, trustworthy, and she was about to get slapped, but I held the other bratty girls hand. I glared at her and she kept trying to loosen my grip.

"You okay?" I asked the two.
"Yes, thank you sir."
"Thanks George"

I then looked at the brat who stared at my sister.

"Awh.. is this your boyfriend coming to the rescue"
"Number one, gross." I said letting go of the girl and watched as she stumbled back.
"Number two, I'm her older brother" I walked infront of my sister and her friend.
"Number three, if I catch you around them again, I'm calling your parents. Understand?" I crouched to be the same height as her. She looked at me in disgust. I gave her a push and she stumbled back, bumping into someone and falling to the ground.
I looked down at her.
"I said do you understand!?. Little shit" I watched as she got up scarred, looked at me and nodded, running off right after.

"If you guys get picked on by her again just tell me, or your older brother or sister" I said pointing to the blonde.

"Brother, and I will"
"Thanks again George"

"No problem! What's your friends name?" I asked.
"DRISTA!" We heard another yell.

I looked over and saw a tall, dirty blonde guy who looked around my age.

"I saw what happened. Your okay right?" He asked placing both his hands on his little sisters shoulders.

"I threatened the ginger haired girl, don't worry about it. But you should look out for your sister more okay? Something tells me that they'll still pick on her" I said holding my sisters hand and walking away, leaving the other confused.

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