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How's everyones day so far? I'm writing this while watching a movie in the cenimas. This part of the movie is really boring tbh.

Tw: slight panic attack and Ed (mentions?).

George's pov~

~~{time skip - next morning}~~

I was sipping my coffee and eyeing Nick. He served me breakfast in bed today, it was weird.

"What!?" Nick finally said after a while.
"Breakfast in bed?.. seriously?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Can't a friend do something special for his homies eighteenth birthday?"
"Oh.. it's that day" I sipped my coffee again.

"What!? You don't know your own birthday date!?" Nick looked at me shocked.
"Obviously I know when my birthday is Nick, I just don't celebrate it so I really don't care and neither should you"
"Cant put the truth back in the box" I shrugged.
He scoffed folding his arms.
"But thank you, it was really sweet of you"
"No problem" he smiled.

Then Eve walked in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE!" She smiled giving me a box and a hug, I hugged back and slightly smiled.

"Hey.. you know I don't like birthdays, why would you get me a present?" I let go and heard her offended gasp.

"How dare you!? take that back! You George really need to learn how to have that jolly birthday spirit" she scoffed rolling her eyes and smiling right after.
"right!?" Nick said agreeing with her.

"Yeah yeah yeah, let's see what kind of trash you got me today eh?" I teased, she hit my head and glared at me.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding! Let's see what you actually got" I rolled my eyes and opened the box.

Inside was a large, fluffy, crotchet cow, except this cow had a light brown pattern instead of black. With a little chocolate on its left ear.
It was adorable.

"Awhhh Eve! Did you make this yourself?" I smiled holding it up.
"Ooo" Nick said also liking the plush toy.
"I like crotchet" she smirked.

"I love it, thank you"
"No need, happy birthday brother.."

"Good morning everyone" Karl said walking in and keeping his hands behind his back.

"Good morning honey"
"Morning karl"

"And happy birthday my dearest best friend for life" Karl cooed giving me a wrapped up rectangular shape gift.
"Thank you Karl, you shouldn't have" I shaked my head looking at him.
"Well? go on, open it!" He urged.

I slowly ripped the wrapping.

I let out a small gasp at what I saw.

It was a painting.. the painting of the photo I took yesterday. It was so.. detailed. The phone, the heart we made with our hands, the make up. It was so.. spot on.. it was beautiful.

"Karl I.. I don't know what to say.. it's.. perfect" I looked at him and watched him smile and spread out his arms.

I got up and gave him a hug.

"Thank you.."
"It was nothing!"

He pulled away and I let go.

The boy behind the counter~ •|dreamnotfound|•Where stories live. Discover now