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Short chapter on clays pov 😀

Tw: mentions of sh and Ed. (Eating disorder)

Clays pov~


That was the last thing Tommy said before running off.

"TOMMY!" Wilbur and tubbo yelled at the same time.

I sat down next to Eve and opened the note to read it.

It was awful.. I can't believe George had to find out this way.. and.. John? Dad? Was it the same John?..

I saw Eve stirring in her sleep, a few seconds later she woke up.

"Tommy?.." she mumbled.

"No.. uhm it's me, clay"
"Where'd Tommy go?"

"He.. went to get some air.. you okay?"

"No.. clay?.. what was the last thing you heard George say?.."

"Uhm.. I love you.."
"Did you say it back?"
"Yes.. of course.."

"George told me he loves me before he left.. I didn't say it back.. I didn't.. Clay what if I never get to say it back??.."

Tommy was right, no one asked about Eve..

"No no no no no no don't be like that!.. he's gonna make it.. alright? Don't worry.."

"How do you know?"

"Because he's George. He's been through more than you think, if he could handle this, then he can handle anything" I said raising the note, I realized that was a dumb thing to do, but it was kind of too late.

"What's in the note?.."
"I uhm.. I can't really show you. When George wakes up you can ask his permission to read it"
"O- ok.."

"Stay here alright?.. I'll check on the others" she silently nodded and I stood up, walking to Wilbur, techno, tubbo, and the others close to them.

"anything?.." I asked.

"H- he's still not picking up!" Tubbo said wiping his tears.

Wilbur only looked down frustrated.

"Wilbur I-"
"Just- don't talk to me. Alright clay? Just don't" he cut me off.

"I'm starting to get worried.. where would he go?.." Darryl spoke up.
"Don't worry, we'll find him" zak said.

Nick and Karl came up to me, Nick dragged me away from the others and Karl followed.

"That was the first time I've seen Tommy mad or upset.." Karl said.
"The only thing bothering me is what he said, clay.. would you like to explain? Since you clearly know more.." Nick asked raising an eyebrow.

"Okay.. uhm, I can't remember exactly when but it was at school.."

I told them everything, Tommy's warning, the threat after we got together, the note.

"It all makes sense.. why he was always 'not hungry'.." Nick said.
"All the hoodies...." Karl said, tears forming in his eyes. Nick noticed and gave Him a hug, Karl started crying on his shoulder, I let them be and walked back to Eve.

Tommy was right.

We need to find him.


Cant believe there's only less than ten chapters left to this book :) we're so close to the end!

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