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Hey kiddo, didn't see you there :)

Tw: overthinking? Idfk.

George's pov~

I took in a deep breath.

"Uhm.. clay?"

"I want to tell you something...."

"Okay, I'm listening" he smiled.

"Uhm.. I don't know how to say it instead of just saying it so here it goes.. I really like you clay. As in.. more than friends. I've always liked you. Form us dancing in the rain, all those flirty jokes.. Halloween night, and today when you told me that you care I just.. I couldn't keep it from you. and I know you don't believe in love and I know I just ruined our friendship and I'm so sorry- I tried to make these feelings go away I really tried.. I'm sorry I- I.."


" you probably hate me by now and I understand if you don't want to be my friend-"


"And if you want me to stay away from Karl and Nick it's- I- it's totally fine and-"

I got cut off by clay placing his hands on my cheek.

He stared into my eyes and smiled.

"May I?.."

Everything stopped. He.. no. It can't be.

No words came out so I just nodded.

Slowly.. he pulled me into a kiss.

It's was gentle.. and sweet. It wasn't a peck, but it wasn't heated. It was perfect.

I could feel heat forming on my cheeks. He pulled away two seconds later and loosened his hands so it was placed around my waist.

"I like you too George.. a lot.." he chuckled.
"Really?.. dang it. Karl and Darryl were right" I sighed.
"Nick was right too.."

We sat in a comfortable silence for a few seconds.

"Yknow what George? Maybe love isn't so bad" he gave me a small kiss on my cheek.

"ASK HIM TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!" We heard a yell. I looked back and saw in the distance ,Wilbur hitting Tommy on the head.

"SORRY! CONTINUE.." Wilbur yelled back, a phone pointing at us.

I laughed and clay rolled his eyes smiling.

"Well?.." he said looking into my eyes.

"Well what?.." I asked.

"What are we?..."

"Hm... boyfriends.. if.. you want?.."

"I'd love that.."

Suddenly, I felt someone pull me away from clay and hug me.

"Told you there's nothing to worry about you honk" Karl said.

"Thank you Karl.." I chuckled. He let go of me and Eve hugged me.

The boy behind the counter~ •|dreamnotfound|•Where stories live. Discover now