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Uhm. Hi 😀.

Tw: hospitals, fighting? (Not physical)

Short chapter ;)

Tommy's pov~

Eve called an ambulance and she got in with him. Nick, karl, and I followed them with skateboards.

Also, I saw the note. He had it in his pocket and I took it and hid it with me. I read it and kept it..

How can somebody be so cruel?

We arrived at the hospital and we are now waiting in the waiting room.

Clay saw the ambulance and us following it so I assume he followed, he was now silently crying on the chair while karl and Nick comforted him. I called tubbo because.. who wouldn't? I am no good with comforting, but I'm trying my best because no body is here for Eve.. she was next to me crying and I whispered positive stuff for her.

Karl texted Darryl and Callahan, them and zak were waiting anxiously. Darryl had been crying, zak was comforting him, Callahan looked stressed.

"I CAME AS SOON AS I HEARD! Tommy I'm so sorry for not believing you" I saw tubbo run our direction.

"It's alright. You're here now..." I mumbled. Tubbo sat down next to me. Eves crying stopped, I think she fell asleep.

"Poor clay.. have you checked on him?.." Tubbo asked after awhile, looking at his direction.

My hands turned into fists, I don't know why. Clay just pisses me off.

"He's got the help he needs.."

"Wait.. does wil know your here? He'd be worried sick if he doesn't"
"I texted him.. he'll be here.. later"

Karl then walked to us, his eyes were red.
"Uhm.. how are you guys feeling?.."

"Better" me and tubbo answered.

"Good.. good"

"How's clay?.." Tubbo asked.
"Not good.. he feels terrible. He blames himself" Karl sighed.

I don't want to be mean but.. he should.. it isn't entirely his fault but... If he just fucking listened to me..

"Did the doctors say anything?.." Tubbo asked.
"No.. not yet" Karl answered.

I noticed clay was now pacing, Nick was sitting down talking to him.

I zoned out for awhile.

What if the same thing happens to George?..

He'll end up like him.

No no no that won't happen.

I kept zoning in and out, next thing I see is Wilbur and techno speed walking towards me.

Wil kneeled down in front of me, I thought he was about to lecture me but no...

He pulled me into a hug.

I was shocked at first.. wil doesn't usually hug me.. but I hugged back.

I really needed that hug.

I felt tears escape.

"W- Wil.. he-"
"It's okay.. it's alright"

Techno took off a coat he was wearing and put it around my shoulders.

Wilbur let go of me, tubbo made room for him to sit next to me. I wiped away my tears.

"I'll go check on the others.." techno left.

We all stayed silent for awhile.

"How's clay holding up?" Wilbur asked.
"I don't know.. I think it affected him a lot though.." Tubbo answered.
"I feel so bad for him.."

No.. I can't.

"You know what!? I'm fucking done." I slammed both my fists onto the chair and got up.

"What's wrong?" Clay, techno and the others came closer to us.

"Everyone is soo fucking worried about clay. How's clay feeling? Have you checked in on clay? Is he okay? Poor clay. I feel bad for clay.. well guess what!? I was the only one there for George. I was the one who helped him through his disorder. I was the one who stopped him from cutting himself. I was the one who found him. I was the one who fucking realized what was going on in only two days. I was the one who got there on time. I was the person he called before he tried to fucking kill himself. I was the person he cried on the phone to. Why was he crying? Because of clay.. but noooo clays sad. Clays been through a lot. Clays heart is the most broken out of all of us"

"Tommy.. calm down." Wil stood up.

"He was happy Tommy.. he had no disorder and he wasn't cutting himself.." Clay said.

"AND YOU STILL FUCKING DENY IT! 'He needs help and he needs it now'. Does that ring any bells? Yup! Those were the words I told you. I told you he needed help, did you listen???? No" I pushed him.

"He was happy! Something else caused this!" Clay continued.

I threw the note at him.

"I told you. I warned you. I told you to help him" I pushed him again.

"I had to do it all alone. I had to be the one to help him. And guess what!? Nobody asked how eve is!" I pushed him again, he isn't even doing anything. He's just letting me push him around.

"No body came to me and asked 'how's Evelyn?'. Nobody asked if she was okay. And she was his sister. His little sister. She just saw her older brother fall to the ground. But no, clays more important" I pushed him harder. I ignored all the others that told me to calm down and stop. No, I've been calm from the beginning. I've put up with everybody who didn't believe me

"No body believed me. No body. I was the only one George had. I'm just a kid. I'M JUST A FUCKING KID" My vision was getting slightly blurry.

I pushed him for the last time and ran off, ignoring Wilbur and Tubbos yells.

I'm just a kid..



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