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Back to the present, George and clay are waiting for Nick and Karl to arrive, clays mom was making dinner.

Tw: eating disorder, crying, scars and/or cuts, mention of blood, and phobias. (I'm not a good writer so it shouldn't be as bad as it seems, don't stress urself about this-)

George's pov~

Clays mom was cooking dinner.. my favorite time of the day, yay.

I have to eat, otherwise they'll grow suspicious. Clay knows I haven't ate during work, that was going to be my cover up but Darryl asked if I wanted to eat anything before I left which showed that I haven't ate anything there.

But I wasn't going to think about food now, I just want to play with Milo.

I'm so glad I found this little guy, maybe he could help me in a way. Suddenly, I heard thunder, shit, Eve is terrified of the rain and thunder, how could I forget!?

I ran up the stairs, Milo in my hand ignoring clays confused reaction. I slowed my pace when I opened dristas door.

"Eve!? Are you okay?" I asked looking at them both.
"Y- yeah" she stuttered.
"Awhhh who's this little guy!" Drista said looking at the kitten in my arms.

"My new kitten, clay will tell you the story, Eve if you ever get scared or feel like your having a panic attack you come straight to me, I'll be downstairs. if I'm not there then you go to clays mom. I'll tell her about this and she could help. In the meantime, distract yourself with a movie like all the time, okay?"

"Okay MOM" Eve said smiling while rolling her eyes.
"Luv you to sis" I jokingly said, smiling and closing the door as I left to go back downstairs.

"What was that about?" Clay asked as I walked passed him and into the hall, going to the kitchen while clay followed. I saw clays mum cooking.

"Misses taken?"
"Yes dear?" She looked at me placing the ingredient in her hand down.
"My sister Evelyn has a phobia of thunders and rain, sometimes she'd get a panic attack, She's not alone, but I told her if she gets one to come to me, if she doesn't find me she'd come to you, is that okay?.." I asked
"Of course! You don't have to worry about her"she smiled, I thanked her and left.

"Wow.. even I don't care about drista this much" clay said sitting back down on the couch, patches jumping off and running away. I sat down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"She's my only family memeber left clay.. I have no one except her" I sighed. "My dad.. he wasn't a bad man clay. Hell, he was amazing. He just fell out of love, found a new woman, Moved on, and then my mom.. died, Evelyn needs me here, she's been through so much and she's still so young. I have to keep her happy, make her proud" I rambled, petting Milo who was resting peacefully on my lap.

"What about you?.." clay asked.
"What about you? Your also human George, and your still young, not only did you loose parents, you have to be like one. And you have no one to help with Uhm- money and a- a place to stay in. You balance work and school, taking care of your sister, surviving.  If I was in your shoes I would have tripped, I want you to be honest with me here, what. About. You? George"

"I-.. I'm okay, if she's happy then I'm happy right?.." clay frowned at this.

Milo meowed loudly

"Looks like someone is getting jealous" clay laughed. I rolled my eyes and picked Milo up so he could be in front of my face.

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