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Tw: attempted suicide, mentions of suicide, sh, and Ed.

George's pov~ (yes. George's pov)

The last thing I saw was Tommy breaking the door open.

Next thing I knew everything was black.

Until now.

I woke up with a headache and light flashing on my face.

I don't know where I am.

I saw someone stand next to me.

"Oh your awake! Hello George, my name is Doctor brown, do you know how you ended up here?.." The doctor asked.


"Uhm.. I tried to.. kill myself.." I mumbled.

"Mhm.." he wrote something down quickly.

"I'll inform the others that you're awake, do you want them to come in one by one?.."


"No.. uhm, let them all come in at once please"

"If that's what you want" the doctor nodded and left.

What did he mean by others? Tommy? Clay? Eve? Karl?

Two minutes later the door opened, there stood Evelyn and clay, the 'others' behind them.

"GEORGE!.." she cried out and ran next to my bed, giving me a hug.

"I thought I lost you..." she mumbled on my shoulder.

"Heh.. told you.. there's no getting rid of me.." I stroked her hair to comfort her. She let go and wiped her tears.

"George you fucking idiot.." Clay walked next to me and squeezed my hand. I squeezed back.
"I'm still here.."

"George.. we know everything.." Karl gave me a hug. A second later he let go.

My heart dropped a little.. oh well.. they had to find out one way or another.

"Thanks for coming everyone.. wait.. where's Tommy?.." I looked at them.

"He ran off.. w- we can't get ahold of him.." techno told me.

"What?.." Eve said confused.

"what!? No no no you guys don't understand.. I NEED TO SEE HIM" I shaked my head.

"We tried calling and texting, we don't know where he is.." Tubbo sniffed.

I got up and grabbed my phone.

"George!? Are you nuts! Sit down" nick said.

I called Tommy.

He answered, I put him on speaker.


"Don't worry about me George.. I took care of her. I took care of Eve.. just like you asked me to"

"Tommy?.. Tommy where are you?.." I asked more softly.

"I can't tell you that George..."

"Tommy please.."

"I'm not gonna do it George"


"I don't want to die"

"You won't. Tommy.. just tell me where you are"

He hung up.

"NO! TOMMY" Wilbur snatched my phone out of my hands.

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