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Hello there.

Sorry small chapter!!

Tw: spoilers.

George's pov~

I woke up in clays arms. I loved this feeling, I could easily get used to this.. his comfort.

"Morning honey.." he was awake.

I hummed in response, still too tired to talk, and nuzzled closer to clay.

"Come on, it's time to get up. We have some paperwork to finish, and my parents will pick us up. Nick took my car to get home" clay said leaving, I whined when he got off, he just laughed.

"Wait.. Nick has a drivers license?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Nope! Let's go" clay smiled.


~~{time skip}~~

Nick was right, paperwork really slowed down.

And they pulled clay aside to talk to him in private for along time.

clays parents picked us up, but instead of telling them the actual truth we said that I got in an incident and my arms got really injured. Drista was with them, but she knew the truth, drista and clay are sleeping over at Karl's house today, so is Tommy and tubbo.

They dropped us off and left.

We got inside and headed to the living room, in there was everyone, they were watching tv, adventure time. Karl probably picked.

Milo meowed and charged at my feet.

"Hey there.. hi.." I smiled petting his head, he meowed again.

"I missed you too" I laughed picking him up.

"WHAT UP GEORGE!? HOW WAS THE HOSPITAL FOOD!?" Tommy greeted with his loud tone.

"Welcome back"
"Hey George"
"Hello!" The others waved.

"Terrible" i gaged at the thought of eating the food again, I barely ate it. And it's not just because of my disorder, it really was bad.

Drista sat next to eve on the couch, clay and I sat down on the floor.

"Who stayed with Milo? He literally hates everyone" I asked still petting Milo's head.

"Everyone except Tommy. He never left Tommy's side the minute Tommy stepped foot in this house" Tubbo said

"The cat know George.. he knows.." Clay said creeped out.

"Or he just has better taste in people" Tommy chimed in.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" drista rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"I'm bored of adventure time, turn on stranger things or something" Tommy said.

"What's that?" Clay asked.

"What!? You don't know stranger things!? No way! Almost everyone in the world know that show" nick said.
"Well I don't know what it is" Clay shrugged.

"We should binge watch it!" Eves eyes sparkled. We all agreed.

We prepared blankets, snacks, popcorn, tissues, and we got a mini fridge next to us with ice cream in it to prepare clay for volume two season four.

"We got everything!" I smiled holding clays hand.

"Clay.. prepare yourself. For you are about to experience horror, love, tragedy, and heart break. Tears shall be shed" nick over exaggerated.

Karl grabbed the remote and played season one, chapter one, the vanishing of will byers.

~~{time skip}~~

"WHAT!? so that's it!? Eddie is dead!? There's no way!" Clay said.

"Nope.. he's actually dead" Eve confirmed for him.

"B- but he said that there was no shame in running? Why couldn't he just taken his own advice! He could've- kept running and then circled back to the house and jump back through the ceiling gate thing!" Clay ranted.

"I know right!?" Nick said agreeing with him.

"Guys! We're all sad that Eddie is dead. But there's no changing that" Karl said.

"But there is.. I SAY WE SUE THE DUFFER BROTHER!" Tommy raised his fist.
"YEAH!!" Tubbo raised both fists.
"IM IN!" Clay said joining them.

"ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY!? You won't be able to pull it off. It's impossible. Let's just go sleep" Eve said.

"Uhm- no? We're not going to bed now. We're going to end this day with karaoke wether you guys like it or not" nick argued.

"Not" drista chimed.

"I have a better idea" I grinned.

"And what's that?" Nick crossed his arms.

"Clay mentioned something about a band when you guys were thirteen.. I think you see where I'm going"

"We can't! We used to have a pianist and a drummer. Now we only have the lead singer and the guitarist" clay argued.

"Do you still have the instruments though?.." I asked.

"In the shed outside" Karl said.

"I can play drums" I continued.

"What? Really!?" Clay asked, I nodded.

"Me and tubbo play the piano as a duo" Tommy said.

"Hm.. I like where this is going" I smiled.

~~{mini time skip - they set everything up}~~

"What are we playing?" Nick asked, adjusting his bass.

"My brother Wilbur has a band! We can play one of their songs!" Tommy smiled.

"Wilbur has a band? That's awesome! What's the name?" I asked.

"Lovejoy, search up one of the songs" Tubbo said.

Clay pulled out his phone.

He searched through the songs.

"Hm.. One Day looks interesting" he said after awhile.

Tommy gave his phone to Karl so he could record, tubbo some how was able to get the music sheets online and opened them for us.

We started the intro, clay was warming up.

"And stop! Cause why'd you have to kill my cat?"

The song was definitely something, it was really catchy. All of us were smiling as we played, clays singing was flawless. Nick looked like so focused, and that's Nick we're talking about, and Tommy and tubbo! They were so in the moment!

"One day, oh baby, isn't life so fucking inconsistent?"

And that was the end.

Eve and Karl cheered while drista gave us a round of applause.

Tubbo and Tommy gave fist bumps to each other, Nick and I high fived, and clay only bowed to the 'crowd'.

We all laughed at his silly gesture.

His eyes locked with mine.

"Welcome home George"


WOO! I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be the last! Prepare yourselves. We're about to have a show almost exactly like twitchcon BUT SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT!

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