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I have no more motivation. I am drained.

EDIT: I just caused a spelling mistake and I hate to fix it XD no need to read this again :)

Tw: mentions of: death, suicide, homophobia, pills, knives. And finally, slurs.

Fun chapter if you ask me. Totally chill :)

George's pov~

~~{time skip - 7pm}~~

I asked Karl and Eve to help, wrong choice...

"seriously George!? there is nothing for you to wear except for hoodies, do you have no style at all??" eve stated annoyed, looking through my closet.

"its not a big deal.. calm down" I replied.

"Not a big deal?? this is your first date with clay!!!" Karl chimed in.                                    "pretty sure this is actually your first date ever" eve said.

"no it isn't!!"                                                               "mhm sure"

"these aren't gonna work, you're going to have to borrow my clothes" Karl finally said, dragging me out and into his room, he opened his closet.

"I think I still have the first outfit I wore when I met you... hmm" he started looking for it.
"Now this is style" eve looked through his closet.

I waited patiently on Karl's bed, he was looking for an outfit and Eve was looking through drawers for accessories.

I honestly don't know why they're so hyped up about this, but whatever.

"found it" Karl said in a more.. singing? tone.

(^^ George's outfit)

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(^^ George's outfit)

"that is so pretty!" eve awed.

"how do you still have it?" I said when he handed it to me.                                                  "it has sentimental value. now go change!!" Karl shooed me.

I got changed, I really loved this outfit. I remember when we worked on our very first project together, we painted a cottage surrounded by trees, as if it were in the middle of the woods. It was heavily inspired but the outfit I'm wearing right now.

I snapped a quick mirror pick and got out.

"George.. you look stunning!!" Karl complimented. Eve only softly smiled at me.

"Here, this would finish off the outfit. It's mums ring.." Eve gave me a diamond flower ring, she wore it everyday.

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