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Tw: mention of cuts, argument, Ed (Eating disorder) thought(s)?

Tommy's pov~

On Monday I told tubbo about our passes and how George talked to Phil. We did visit them before classes started, so far so good.

Tubbo still doesn't believe me about George, even if The clues were clearly there.

Classes finished and we have break, before I went over to the other campus I went to ask
Drista some questions.

Eve mentioned something about a sleepover at clays home.

I found her walking in the hallway so I called her over, she looked confused but still walked towards me.

"What do you want Tommy?"
"Have you seen anything off, about George? Eve told me they stayed at your place"
"Uhm.. no, why?"
"Are you sure!?"
"Yea, why!?"
"Just asking" I shrugged turning around.

Maybe I was wrong?.. but before I left drista called me.

"What?" I looked back at her.
"T- there is something That happened"

I looked at her hopeful.

"I walked in on him crying, he had bloody bandages on his arms, he said times were rough and that he's recovering, three weeks clean. I didn't know what that meant, do you?" She asked.

So I'm right..

"No.. anything else? Why was he crying?" I lied, I knew exactly what he meant.

"I asked him that, turned out it was because clay locked him out of the room, only letting Karl and Nick in. So George began to.. overthink" she said.

That damn bastard.

"Thanks drista, you have no idea how much this helps"
"Dont tell him that I told you" she said before I nodded and ran away.

I ran over to the next campus, I told tubbo to meet me at the canteen over there.

After I arrived at the campus and at the canteen, I found the table they usually sit in, tubbo already there with them.

"HOW'S EVERYONE DOING TODAY?" I said in a loud tone.

"Hey Tommy" Nick greeted, the others smiling and telling me to sit down.

I sat down next to tubbo and looked around the table, everyone was eating, except for George.

"Tubbo, do you have an apple?" I whispered to him. He nodded and gave me one.

"Hey George, heads up!" I said throwing the apple at him, he thankfully caught it.
"What's this for?" He asked.
"Your not eating, thought you should have something at least" I said quietly. He nodded his head and stared at the apple for a while.

I watched as he took.. small bites, one by one. Stopping for a few and then continuing. He finished half his apple and put it down.

I was proud that he was able to eat that, Wilbur used to give me apples to help.. it was an easy start.

I stayed there observing everything for a bit, all of them just talking, laughing, I joked around most of the time, watching them smile and playfully roll their eyes. It was fun.

I noticed George seemed more happier with clay, it made no sense, didn't he lock him out and caused him to cry? Oh well, clay had a better chance than me, I should get him on board.

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