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Hello :)

Tw: mentions of blades, scars, cuts, and ED. (Don't worry Tommy Is on his way-)

George's pov~

"And you have to make sure she doesn't eat any berries, she's deathly allergic. And she has to go to bed earlier or she won't wake up for school, don't let her have her phone in the room otherwise she wouldn't sleep, an-"

"GEORGE! She's fifteen, not five. It's not like your not coming back after a few hours" Karl cut me off.  Eve was upstairs hanging out with drista, who was sleeping over, I took off the bandages on my arm, the scars were deep, but they should heal on their own now.
"Yeah, come on George, she'll be fine, clays waiting outside" Nick said dragging me out the door.

"Have fun on your date!!" Karl jokingly said, waving.
"ITS NOT A DATE" I said flipping them off and running towards the car, opening the passenger door and getting in.

"What was that about?" Clay asked.
"Nothing! Let's go, I sent the location"

The ride there was peaceful.. past the road and up a large hill.. I enjoyed the silence.

When we arrived he pulled out what looked like a blanket to lay on.

"What's this for?"
"Somewhere to sit without getting stung by the grass" he shrugged and started walking. I caught up to him and led the way.

There was an area to park above the hill, walk forward and you'll see bars, probably to keep children safe. There were stairs built to walk down safely. I stood next the bars looking at the view,  Clay walked up behind me.

"Wow..." he said looking at the field.

(Let your imagination run wild because I can't describe my imagination of a flower field)

"Let's go!" I said grabbing his hand and jogging down the stairs. I ran with him out on the field and let go of his hand.

"Look at this flower Clay!!! Is it.. hm, red??" I asked showing him a brownish rose.
"Uhm yeah" Clay said slightly confused.

I looked at the others.

"This one is.... Yellow!?" I said picking up a sunflower.

I looked around.

"Ok, you pick!" I smiled. I loved coming out here and try and guess the colors with the others.

He picked a tulip, one of my favorites.

"Uhm... light blue!?" I said.
"What? No it's pink. Stop messing around George"

Oh, I thought I told him, didn't I?.

"Clay.. I'm colorblind.." I laughed looking at his confused face.
"Actually!? How come I never knew that!" He said clearly shocked. I shook my head.

"So you can't see pink!? What colors can't you see!?" He said.

"I see green as yellow, red as brown, purple as blue, pink as blue, the sky is kind of a grey color, orange looks almost brown too"

"I really don't know much about you, who else knew?"
"Karl, Nick, Eve, my parents, drista, Tommy, tubbo, Darryl, all my teachers and now you" I shrugged.

"We should find somewhere to lay down"

We looked around, we found a nice grass area not too far ahead, we walked up and clay placed the blanket down. We both sat on the blanket, I looked at the flowers surrounding us and started picking up a few.

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