~•22•~ {BONUS}

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4K!? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUUCKKKK HOWWWWW?? TY TY TY SO MUCH!! This chapter was going to be my last one but I changed my mind because writers block . Now I'm posting it as a bonus!!!

But seriously Ty!! Shout out to @CjWasFounded who was always by my side <3 Ty cj!

It honestly feels so good to be writing this again. I'm smiling like an idiot rn 😭

Also: I'm starting two new books, I'll upload chapters soon so yeah! Check that out :) one is karlnap (season of death) which I already started, and the other one which I haven't started yet is a dnf one called (911, what's your emergency?). Stay updated if you're interested :)!

Now.. let's begin.

George's pov~

"Hello?" I answered the call, I was watching a movie with Eve, drista, Tommy, tubbo, and ranboo until my phone ringed.

"George! Honey, I want you to meet me at the field. Right now. It's important!!!" Clays voice rang through.

"Can it not wait? I'm with the sisters and the 'bench trio'"
"No!! Sapnap is waiting outside for you. I'll be waiting" and with that he hung up. I glanced at the time, 6:07pm.

"I gotta go guys, I'll be back soon" I got up, Tommy and Eve grinned knowingly and let me go.. weird.

I was wearing my blue hoodie, but I didn't feel like changing so I just headed outside.

Sapnap and Karl were in the car, sap was driving and Karl was in the back so I sat in the passenger seat.

"Ready George?" Karl sheepishly smiled.
"I think?.. what's going on?"
"Nothing. Just a date Dream planned" sapnap said shrugging.

We drove in silence, when we arrived they stayed in the car and told me that dream was waiting. I saw dreams car parked so no surprise.

I headed to the field and looked around a bit, I soon spotted Dream at the same exact place where he asked me to be his boyfriend four years ago, I softly smiled.

"Clay!" I said waving. He turned around and ran over, tackling me into a hug.
"George!!!" He laughed, god I love his laugh.
"What's up? Why'd you call?" I asked. He let go of me and gently grabbed my hand.
"To show you something." He led me closer to the spot. He let go of my hand and took out a long rectangular box.

"Clay... you didn't" I said staring at him in disbelief.
"You didn't.." I covered my mouth staring at him, these were so expensive, he wouldn't.. right?
"Are you ready to see the sunset properly for the first time?"  Clay smiled.
A tear rolled down my cheek, clay was soon to wipe it away. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.
"Close your eyes" he instructed. I closed my eyes and felt the glasses being placed.
"Open them"
"I'm scared" I laughed nervously, my eyes glued shut.
"Oh come on.. you'll love it!!"
"Okay okay" I breathed in.

I opened my eyes.

Colors. Holy shit! The world is so colorful! The flowers. Oh my god they're so pretty.

"Oh my god.." I felt like crying, I spun around absorbing everything, clay only stared at me with a smile.

I looked at him, he was prettier. Shining green eyes, fluffy hair, soft looking lips, freckles dotted on his cheeks. He's perfect.

The boy behind the counter~ •|dreamnotfound|•Where stories live. Discover now