Chapter 20: Babylove

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Author's note: So, I freaking love the new update. They let us put music directly inline. I put it on Chapter 17 and I swear I cried. EVERYONE GO BACK AND REREAD THE DANCING SCENE AND PLAY THE SONG. I swear, it was just so beautiful and perfect. I'm sorry for not updating but you guys never comment. You should all thank my good European friend fabiolator for telling me to update.

Starr POV

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" I asked Justin.

"I'm not sure. You were running and you just flopped down. When I got to you, your eyes were open but it was like you were in a different place. What happened?"

I tried to search my mind. To find out some reason why I blacked out in the middle of the street.

The more I thought, the more my mind blurred up. I didn't know what was going on until all my surroundings changed.

"She bops to the east, she bops to the west. She bops to the east, she bops to the west. Tootie fru- C'mon Babylove, yous gonna miss breakfast" a voice said with a familiar accent.

I jumped out of the twin bed and wiggled on the closest pair of pants I could find. As I was leaving the room, I glanced toward the mirror and saw what looked to be a 7 year old version of myself.

My hair was a shorter, dark brown curly mess piled on top of my head in some kind of bun. I rushed down the stairs as I breathed in the scents of sausage and bacon wafting through the air.

"Babylove, that you?" I heard the voice again. I followed the sound all the way to a woman in the kitchen. Her hair was curled and her outfit formal. She turned to face me and smiled.

"Rise 'n shine sleepyhead" "Good morning Nonna" I smiled and sat down at the small table. My daddy sat right across from me.

"Morning Princess" he greeted.

I smiled at him as a plate was set in front of me. I went to dig in when my hand was smacked away from the plate

"Ah, Ah. Where's ya manners at child. We say grace in this house and you knows it" I was scolded.

"Sorry Nonna" I said. A kiss was placed at the side of my temple as I rubbed my slightly sore hand.

"S'kay, but since yous in such a rush, I'll let ya say the quick grace. Ceasar, you betta put that bacon down if ya like havin' hands" she said, not even once glancing at daddy. His urgency to drop it sent giggles out of my mouth. He glared at me and I immediately stopped.

Nonna sent him a look of her own. "Ya betta stop lookin' at my grandbaby sideways Spanky."

Nonna once told me she always call daddy Spanky because he used to get in trouble a lot and he would always get spankings.

I said grace and we ate. When we were done, Nonna announced that she was of to church as usual. Normally we'd all go, but I had a ballet and piano class to attend this morning.

Nonna stepped out onto the front porch and turned back toward me.

"C'mon Babylove, I needs hugs 'n kisses"

I ran to Nonna and she scooped me up in her arms. I giggled as she planted loving kisses across my face. I gave her a big kiss and she set me down.

"Bye Nonna I love you!!!" I said as she walked toward the corner where there was a cross walk.

"I love you too Babylove. Love ya Spanky" she said, which made my daddy chuckle.

"I love you too mom"

Daddy allowed me to stay outside and watch as she went as long as I stayed on the porch. He went back inside and began cleaning the kitchen.

I smiled as she began crossing, a few steps ahead of the group of lazy walkers. I didn't hear anything...

No buzz, no screeching tires, no collision. Just screaming. I didn't know who was screaming but it was loud and I was scared.

The screaming didn't scare me. But my Nonna was on the ground. She wasn't on the crosswalk anymore. The car that had flung her was speeding off.

Above the screaming, I heard footsteps. My daddy took about five seconds to survey the scene, or maybe it was five hours. I wouldn't know the difference.

"MOM" was the only thing I heard before he dashed out to the street. As he zipped passed me, I realized the screaming was coming from my mouth. An ambulance zipped through, two men coming out as soon as the van stopped.

I didn't quite understand what was happening, but I knew exactly what was going on at the same time. My Nonna was hurt. Badly. And I watched the whole thing.

I suddenly became aware of my surroundings, I was back in Justin's house as he stood in front of me. His eyes gleaned with worry.

And it didn't make it better when mined filled with tears.

He pulled me into him, and I was surrounded with a safer environment. I let the tears fall and the sobs roll through.

At this point Justin could tell what was wrong. I cried like this when it came to her, and I'm so sick of crying.

I'm sick of people saying it gets better. I'm sick of being told to get over it. And I'm sick of not knowing who was responsible for ruining my life.

The court system never let us know the name of the guy once he got caught. All they told us is that they wouldn't lock him up and that it wasn't really his fault.

Tell that to the dead woman who was flung down the street from his reckless driving while drunk.

Or better yet, tell that to the little girl who watched it all happen.

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