Chapter 18: Sunsets

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Starr's POV

The sunset is such a beautiful thing. It was one of the few things that brought me peace in the world. There was something about it, whether it was the colors it possessed, the slow, lasting speed, or the fact that it was something I could always count on to be there.

When I lived in St. Louis, there were some days I refused to go over Sierra's house. I know she was my best friend, but sometimes I kind of felt like a pest. I didn't like always bringing my problems to her.

So on those nights, I would sit in front of my small window and watch the sun go down. Even when the worst of the worst was happening past those doors, I would focus on nothing but the colors saying goodbye to St. Louis, waiting for me to do the same.

The sunsets made me forget everything. School, drama, loneliness, even the line wooden door that I would always lock to keep her from hurting me. It all blew straight in the breeze.

The only thing better than sunsets are the night skies that followed it. In St. Louis, you would have to find a good spot to get a view of it, but when you found it, man, it was a sight to see. And if you're lucky, you'll catch it on a night where it's rumored to be the brightest.

Unfortunately, I know I have never experienced it, because when you do, you'll know. But that didn't stop me from enjoying this moment. We were under the same cherry blossom tree, just looking into the sky. Our heads lasted on Justin's jacket and our bodies were slightly covered by a little travel blanket he kept in his car.

"It's nice out, the stars are pretty" he spoke up. I just nodded my head, knowing he would feel it on the bicep I was laying on.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked. I never told him I went to the park. I didn't tell anyone because I wanted to draw and didn't need 6 year old breathing down my neck.

"I didn't." I looked at him, waiting for explanation. "Around that time of day, certain parts of the park are usually empty, so I go there. You just happened to be at my favorite spot."

I could see why this would be anybody's favorite spot. The cherry blossoms were absolutely beautiful. They were all dark pink, specks of brown towards the middle. The ground itself was covered in fallen pedals. I took one of the pedals and put it in my sketch book, right on the page with my drawing and closed it.

Feeling a yawn come up, I closed my eyes. Only for a moment before I dozed off

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Justin's POV

I could leave her here.

No that's a dangerous douche move.

I could wait until she wakes up.

But then the Paps would find us.

Waking her up is completely out of the question. I made that mistake once.

Guess I have no choice.

I moved slowly as I took my arm from under her head to stand . Collecting my jacket and blanket first, I then went to pick her up. It took a moment to situate her, but when I did, I brought her to my car. I don't know how she got here so I really hope she didn't take a car because they tow here.

I couldn't properly situate her in the front so I laid her across the back seat and pulled the blanket over her body. I really hope no one is watching because it looks like I'm kidnapping her.

After settling her in to a semi-comfortable position, I wrangled myself out and into the front seat. The back of my hair was slightly matted to my head and I probably had a pedal or two in my hair, but I didn't care. I felt oddly relaxed.

During the drive home, the sound was obsolete, with an exception to Starr's heavy breathing. As I was driving past her house, I realized that all the lights were off. It was about 11 o'clock, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to find her keys, so I took a dull left and went toward my house.

I pulled up into my driveway, in the spot that Fredo had been parking for the past few weeks. He left a few nights back and went home.

I had Starr in my arms, and was trying, and failing to unlock my door. I had to drop one of her legs to see that the key was upside down.

I brought her into the guest room adjacent to my own and laid her on the bed. I know that Starr doesn't sleep in jeans, but I wasn't about to overstep boundaries. She would probably wake up in a few hours to take them off anyway.

I was exhausted by the time I got in my room. I planned on taking a shower, but as I laid on my bed, I was so comfortable that I closed my eyes for a moment and was out like a light.

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