Chapter 11: Home Sweet Home

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HEY GUYS!!! Anywho, I just saw Oculus and it was really good, but idk if I'm going to sleep tonight lol. This chapter I know for SURE is going to take a little while to upload because I need to do A LOT of revision to my original write out. Fun fact: in the original, this is still in chapter 9 lol. Enjoy.

Justin's POV

"NO!" Starr and I said at the same time. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the idea, but looking back on it, she was like my sister. You don't date your sister. You just don't.

"I was just asking, no need to get defensive" Alfredo chuckled.

I knew what he was thinking. I could tell by the sarcasm in his voice. I decided to drop the subject completely.

"No to be rude, but what are you doing here. Not, like in my house, but in Cali?" I asked.

"Yet another, and probably the last custody battle of my parents. I'm back with dad now" she stated.

Her parents always did this, it annoyed me because that was the reason we lost contact in the first place.

"Why not just move out? You're 18." "Yeah, but I was still in school, plus I don't really want to leave the twins just yet" she responded.

"The twins?"

"Yeah, my dad has other kids. They turn 5 in a couple weeks."

"Hey, don't you have to get home?" Alfredo butted in. You couldn't have waited a few more minutes dude?

"Um yeah, you guys wouldn't have by chance know this address would you?" Starr asked, showing an address on her phone. Primrose. Why did that sound so familiar?

"Oh, that's two streets down from here!" Oh, that's why.

"Well, can you take me home?"she asked.

"Yeah, Fredo you coming?" I asked.

Please say no. Please say no.

"Nah, I'm a little jet lagged. I think I'm going to take a nap." He said, walking up the stairs with his suit case.

"Alright, well let's go"


✨Starr's POV✨

"HONEY, I'M HOME!!" I yelled, walking into the front door. The house was incredible. I still don't understand how Jackie and Dad could afford to move into a gated community. I was no where near used to this.

"Oh, you must be Ms. Starr, I'll take your bags" a middle aged woman said to me.

I gripped my suitcases as if it would save my like from the strange lady. "Umm.... who are you?" I questioned.

"Oh, my apologies. I'm Vanessa, your all around house keeper. I cook, I clean, and I take care of your basic needs. I can tutor, help in finances, and manage your day to day schedule."

Okay. So we have a house keeper. That's new. The question is HOW do we have a house keeper.

"Vanessa, do you know where my dad is?" I asked. She gave me directions to his room. There were about 14 bedrooms on this house, what we needed with all those spare rooms, I don't know.

I found dad in the master bathroom, setting up his medicine cabinet.

"Knock knock" I said softly. Dad turned to me as a big tired smile stretched across his face. He looked exhausted.

"Hey Starr" he said, enveloping me into one of his papa hugs. My dad was a teddy bear, a big black teddy bear, while both my mum and stepmom were short, petite, white females. I was the product of interracial love, and proud of it.

"How was the trip?"

"I may or may not have cried" I sighed. Dad knew I missed Skittles. I was so used to her being around, I forgot what it was like without her. "Buuuut, I have someone to show you."

"You've been here less than an hour and you've already made friends?" dad questioned. "Not exactly" I responded.

I dragged dad downstairs, to where I mindlessly left Justin. "Oh dad, why didn't you tell me we had a housekeeper?"

"This is a company house, pal. Since I'm high up in the business, they are basically paying us to live here. Vanessa just comes with the house."

Wow. Never knew dad was that important.

I finally found my way to the the living room where I spotted the littles interrogating Justin. Well more like Ciara interrogating Justin and Ceasar sitting close by playing his xbox.

Justin turned his head toward us when he heard us walk in and immediately straightened up to my ex-marine father.

"Mr. McClain" Justin greeted nervously.

Author's Note: finally. That note up top was from like two weeks ago. Any who, it's like 12:30 am on a Sunday night. I saw my raw most recent comments on the last chappie and the girl was right. What AM I waiting for? So yeah.

My cousin plays baseball. He got hit in the face. Broke his cheek, fractured his nose. Half of his face currently looks like a Who from The Grinch Stole Christmas. No joke.

I'm sleepy. Night. Live. Love. Life. Bieber.


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