Chapter 5: Broken Heart...

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A/N: Hey guys. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating this story. I'm just now starting to feel better. Turns out I had the flu. One word, terrible. But I'm okay now! Please enjoy! Live. Love. Life. Bieber



★Starr's POV★

I woke up earlier than usual this morning. I'm guessing its because today is my full day in St. Louis. I have to catch my plane at 11:35am tomorrow morning. Skittles will be taking me because honestly, I want nothing more to do with my mother after what happened yesterday.


We were probably halfway done packing my room at this point, it was tiresome work. “Hey Skit, can we take a break?" I asked, wiping the fallen sweat from my forehead. “Yeah. We should, I need to pee!" I giggled slightly as she ran to the bathroom, not before falling over a box that contained the contents of my old desk. I would miss her clumsiness.

I sat down on my now sheetless bed, looking at the room I had called mine for the past eight years. As I looked to the patched hole in the wall, I remembered when Skittles and I were using my room to make decorations for a homecoming float. That day, instead of being productive, we ended up ramming a bean pole into my wall. The amount of trouble we got in that day was catastrophic.

I figured now was as good time as any to talk to my mum. I wanted to know how she was handling the move. Even though we don't have a good relationship, I've always had a little hope for us.

I rose from the bed and exited my room, making a beeline for my mother's. Her door was closed and it sounded as if she was on the phone.

“Yeah........ her dad won...... actually, I'm happy as fuck to get that slut out of my hair...... I don't give a fuck if she's my daughter, when she leaves, I'm throwing a party.......... yeah, spread the word...... what do you mean?...... child support duh!.... okay... bye"

My heart shattered hearing those words. She was ready for me to leave? She didn't want me? She just wanted the money? When I left she was going to throw a party?!

I heard footstep coming from the other side of the door and quickly retreated to my room. The front door slammed not too long afterward.

I sat in that same spot for about five minutes until Skittles voice broke my concentration.

“Starr, are you okay?" she asked waving her hand in my face. “Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get this over with."

~End Flashback ~

I haven't seen or spoken to my mother since that discovery. Seeing her would probably put out too many emotions.

Deciding that just laying here was pointless and a complete waste of my last day, I got up, took a quick shower, and put on a knee length Areópostale floral dress and my favorite Steven Madden bamboo wedges. I exited the bathroom, only to be welcomed by Skittles' profound look. “You're actually up..... and ready?!" “You know the amount of faith you have in me is terrible" I responded. “Did I enter some parallel universe? Or am I being Punk'd?" she said still somewhat dazed. Were my actions that surprising?

“Anyway, you and I, have appointments at the hair shop where you will witness the dying of my hair" “Ooooh! What color?" she asked excitedly. “I don't know yet" “So I still have a chance of convincing you to get red velvet?!" “I still don't understand why you insist on my hair being the same color as cupcakes and theatre seats" I exclaimed. “Because, Ariana Grande!" she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Her hair isn't red anymore" “Still!!!"


Sorry this took so long to upload. I had so many complications. First of all, I've had a virus for two weeks that I'm just now getting over. Also, I pretty much made this chapter from scratch. See, I like to try to prewrite chapters, but as I was typing out this one I had so many ideas that would make the story line better, including the dilemma with Starr's mom. Soooo, yeah. If you actually read my notes please put Eilynn Faith in your comments.  I put it in the middle of a paragraph on purpose. And I'm actually thinking about in the future doing a contest to win a character spot. So yeah, keep your eyes peeled. And if you haven't noticed, I end all my notes the same. Live. Love. Life. Bieber.


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