Chapter 9: Can't Catch A Cab

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Author's Note: Well guys, I wasn't gonna update but my friend came up to me this morning like "You Need To Update!!" lol so this one is for Raven.

✨Starr POV✨

Sitting on a plane for 6 hours was no where near enjoyable. Besides, a lot of it was spent crying. It didn't really sink in to me that I was basically loosing my bestfriend. I missed Skittles so much.

I have been sitting at this airport terminal for the past 20 minutes. I could have sworn Dad was supposed to pick me up. I decided to text him.

To: Dad

Hey, I landed bout an hour ago. Where are you?

From: Dad

Hey! Welcome to Cali! You need to catch a cab home because I'm still putting the finishing touches on your room

He's not picking me up? Well that's just great!

I've never had to catch a cab, so I don't really know how to. I walked to the Baggage Claim and got the rest of my stuff. After finding my way out of the airport, I stood near a pole trying to figure out how I was going to do this.

"How in the world am I supposed to catch a cab?" I murmured to myself.

"It's nearly impossible right now" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around man who looked just a little bit older than me.

"Excuse me?" I said, trying to see if he was talking to me.

"To catch a cab while all these planes just landed, it's nearly impossible. Hi, I'm Alfredo Flores" he's said turning to me and giving me a slight flirty smile that seemed natural to him.

"Starr McClain" I replied, shaking his hand. "If you want, I can take you where you need to go. I would just have to stop at my friend's house where I'm staying to get a GPS" he offered.

Should I accept? I just met him, but he seems decent. I already changed my area code and 911 is on speed dial.

"Sure, that would be great" I accepted. He led me to his car, which happened to be a white 2014 Ford Escalade.

"Fancy" I said complementing his car. "You jealous?"

"Nope, it's too plain for me" I dissed playfully. "Okay. And what is your car like?"

"Well, I got a charger on my 18th birthday. Then I got it customized, so now it's baby blue with a purple interior."

"Yeah right" he said, keeping his eyes on the road. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"A beautiful girl like you, driving a need for speed car like that" he said, stopping at the red light and looking me up and down.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover, and thanks."

"For what?" he asked, slightly confused. "For that little complement you snuck in there" I smiled at him.

"I couldn't help it, you're gorgeous, even when you blush." By then, I could tell I was a tomato.

He chuckled at me and, after about 5 minutes, pulled into the driveway, of what I assume, was the house he was staying at.

"You can come in if you want, I'm sure my bro won't mind. It might take me a minute to find the GPS" he suggested. I agreed with him and got out of the car. The house was beautiful and I wanted to see the inside, plus, I didn't want to sit in the car be myself.

We walked to the large doors and Alfredo unlocked it. We walked in and soon a voice filled my ears.

"Aye, Fredo!!" I heard the voice coming from the stairs on my left. I turned to that direction, only to have a figure appear in my vision. When I realized who it was I couldn't believe my eyes.

Authors Note: lol guys, longer chapter right? I know. Anywho, quick note. Just so you know, my friend Raven is not a Belieber so she doesn't know who Alfredo is:

Alright, Alfredo Flores is a videographer who has a contract with Scooter Braun, Justin's manager, and works with Justin. He also is a close friend of Justin and they get along very easily. Fredo (His nickname) is a supercool guy, so I wanted him in my story.

Just so you guys know, I've been revising my prewrite. In it, Fredo would turn out a bad dude, but I just can't do that cuz he's too awesome. But as you can tell, he does have a little flirt fest with Starr, lol. Anyway, everybody who reads this book needs to do 2 things

1.) send mental thanks to Raven


2.) spread the word about this story!!! I want more reads guys!

Comments and votes are appreciated. Live. Love. Life. Bieber.


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