Chapter 22: Give Them What They Want

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Starr's POV

I wasn't entirely sure what I was getting into when I said yes to this Subreo guy. I only heard the money and saw potential.

Don't get me wrong, I love to sing, but standing behind the curtain of this small stage, where I had the view of a packed coffee house, I wasn't too sure of myself. The seats were all taken and there were people standing around tables.

Subreo explained to me that a band named Monsoon was supposed to preform but they didn't show. I've never heard of them, but they must be extremely popular to have this kind of outpouring.

"I explain Monsoon not arrive, they still stay. They want show, give them what they want" Subreo told me. I could tell he wasn't one to get on his bad side. I'd hate to be apart of that no show band.

How was I supposed to know what the audience wanted? I don't even know anything about this café, let alone the people that come here for their music nights. What if I pick the wrong song?

What if I just don't pick at all?

That actually sounds like a good idea. I'll just ask the audience what they want to hear.

Being so deep in thought, I didn't notice Subreo calling out toward me. He must have did it at least three times.


I turned toward him.

"What is your name?"


He walked away and through the curtain. I guess it's time. I could hear Subreo re-explaining the situation and then introducing me in the best light he could, which wasn't much since we'd just met. I hesitated before pushing the blue curtains aside. It was at that point that I realized that any chance I had to sneak out was now gone.

There wasn't much applause when I walked out, just a few claps here and there. That didn't really help with my fright. My shaky hand reached for the mic and I brought it toward me as feedback blasted from the speakers.

This is really awkward.

"Hi, as he said, I'm Starr. Monsoon couldn't make it tonight, but I hope you guys would still enjoy yourselves."

There was slight murmuring around the room, but no one seemed particularly interested, which wasn't good.

"I was wondering if there was any specific song you guys would like to hear?"

When the silence continued, I realized I wasn't going to get anywhere with this.

"Ooookay..... I guess I'll just wing it."

Looking around the stage, I saw a guitar sitting in the corner. I'm sure Subreo wouldn't mind. I grabbed it and a stool and positioned myself in front of the mic. Making sure the guitar was in tune, I breathed in.

"It's so easy to lose all the meaning of who you are
What is your definition of a true super star?
Is it beauty? Is it money? Is it power? Is it fame?
Are you in it for the glory? What's the purpose? What's the gain?

Everything you ever wanted got you tied up in chains
Be careful how you play the game"

My voice shook as I internally cursed myself for my nerves.

"'Cause the same ones that chose you
are the same ones that own you,
Same thing that built you
is the same thing that kills you
Same ones that praise you
are the same ones that hate you

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