Something bit me

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Chapter 57:


It was a hard fight, and they barely made it out unscathed, but the Ooarai forces pulled through nonetheless. With so few numbers, they still routed both the Saunders base defenders and the later reinforcements, dealing humiliating and crushing blows to their enemy.

But right now, they don't have much time. In ten minutes, bomber planes will fly above Sanctuary, dropping tons of kayfabe bombs that will completely give the factory, and its surrounding areas, a new paint job. 

So their next, and original, priority is to find the whereabouts of their captured personnel: Andrew, the Rabbit Team, and the other scouts who came with Andrew.


James, John, and Matthew are in charge in cleaning things up, and also to organise an evacuation plan. They have to bring their injured and paralysed back to base first; this includes Saunders units as well, base defender or reinforcement. While it is a hard choice for them because of how irritating these guys were when fighting them, it's the right thing to do.

Their first order of business in the evacuation plan was to commandeer, or plain steal, Saunders vehicles left behind the factory, and use them for the wounded.

Far as they know, it might be a really dickish thing to do, but stealing enemy school's vehicles don't exactly have grounds for war penalties.

However, because of the sheer number of unfounded Saunders prisoners taken, bringing them back to Northbury would crowd the place to the brim, and for sure the townsfolk wouldn't want the people who once attacked their beloved town back there again, even as prisoners.

Ray then creates a compromise that they should just gather the 'live' unwounded together, give them a bunch of supplies, and set them free to return to the Saunders region. Everyone was on board with the idea, however, they are keeping a few ... prisoners for the sake of enacting a kind of legal retribution on them.

As Judas and Ray scour the factory, looking for their missing persons, James sees the wounded evacuated away from the blast zone, and on their way to Northbury. He himself only goes a short distance with that convoy, as he will be back to pick Ray, Judas, and Judas's medics up.


Bartholomew and his snipers scatter all over the place, looking for any surviving Saunders fighters.

They also keep watch for a resurgence of sorts; in case the escaped reinforcements come back for round two. They also look for the stubborn ones; those still willing to fight for a lost cause.

To the ones encountered who surrender when found out, they are given the same treatment as the earlier Saunders prisoners: supplies and told to fuck off from Sanctuary.


For now, though, Ray, Judas, and the latter's squad of medics comb the factory, looking for their missing persons.

The wise medics, to raise their morale, can't resist visual puns, and like Japanese geishas, place actual combs in their hair to comb the factory, and all have a fan in one hand, while fanning out throughout the factory.

Ray was in stitches when Judas's medics came up with that, and he thinks that this moment was too memorable to pass up, so he calls in Matthew to take pictures of the smartass medics, combing the factory and fanning out.

After that little chuckle worthy moment was over, with Matthew getting a lot of photos for his club to have fun with later, the search continues.

When everyone else was searching the top floors, Ray follows Sean's advice on searching the basement, in the hopes of finding Andrew.

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